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GPGT - will you be her gym towel?


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57 minutes ago, pigpigoink said:


y moi feels like she likes to wear saggy bra in this pig(and often see her neh neh lao lao dropping)? or she doesnt know how to wear correct one to look better :wahaha:


The last time she posted that pic, her or her management was desperately deleting comments of sagginess which came like a tsunami. Brave or silly of them to reuse this. 


Hope she never cry. She mentioned she cried once when they told her to get out of a photoshoot. 

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50 minutes ago, zendude said:

Xinlin may have a married overused puss

But her pits remain clean and smooth

She 100% knew wtf she's doing



fwah rans ehs flash both her seksi crean armpits at moi!!!!! moi ish buay luns riaos rahs!!!!! will moan her name as i release soldiers for her!!!!!!

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1 hour ago, zendude said:

Xinlin may have a married overused puss

But her pits remain clean and smooth

She 100% knew wtf she's doing




42 minutes ago, ExTreMisTxxx said:

fwah rans ehs flash both her seksi crean armpits at moi!!!!! moi ish buay luns riaos rahs!!!!! will moan her name as i release soldiers for her!!!!!!


5 minutes ago, ManOfTheHour said:

Another mnd?


Nice armpits but heard her attitude stuck up. Off to the same trash bin as CN

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