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  4. Should allow. But they authorities need do active enforcement check on who is legit and who isn't...
  5. Elderly woman on PMA at Parkway Parade urges compassion On 25 Aug, a user on the ‘COMPLAINT SINGAPORE’ Facebook group posted photos of a woman on a Personal Mobility Aid (PMA) at Parkway Parade. The post alleged that the woman rode into Food Republic, got off, and walked around to buy food. It also accused her of speeding through the crowded indoor food court. Source: Facebook While some netizens have exercised empathy, most heavily criticised the woman and PMA users in general. One even claimed that some of these users were merely taking advantage of them and not actually disabled. The woman photographed in the post is 77-year-old Mdm Mabel Long, a long-term resident of Marine Parade. She spoke to MS News to provide her side of the story. Woman on PMA has had two kneecap surgeries and spinal cord issues When Mdm Long arrived at the interview, she slowly and carefully got off her PMA and onto the coffee shop chair. She was wearing the same flowery blouse that she had previously been photographed in. Sipping on a cup of teh-o, the retired 77-year-old shared that she had lived in Marine Parade for more than 50 years, calling it her kampong. She lives in a four-room HDB flat with her 87-year-old husband. Due to his heart problems which required a pacemaker, Mdm Long ran all their errands herself on her PMA. Mdm Long herself, however, is also not in the best physical condition. “I had two kneecap operations. The first one was over eight years ago and the second about a year and a half ago,” she said on the walking problems that led her to use the device. Mdm Long has osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint condition that causes pain and affects mobility. On top of that, she suffers from spinal cord issues which doctors recommended major surgeries for. However, Mdm Long refused them. If I go through these and it’s not successful, I’ll be bedridden. Who’s going to care for me, and who’s going to care for [my husband]? Mdm Long said that they had no helper at home and rarely met with their children. As such, in her words, she instead opts to “live with the pain”, having to take medication daily. She told MS News that she suffers pain if she stands or walks for too long. Mdm Long estimated that she could walk for about 10 metres or so without her PMA, but only with the help of a back brace she wears under her blouse. She also usually utilises an umbrella that doubles as a walking stick to aid her. Received 90% subsidies on PMA from the hospital Mdm Long said that she was afraid of getting a PMA at first despite her walking difficulties, mostly due to the price of these devices. However, a friend told her that she would be able to get medical subsidies for one. As such, she brought it up to her doctor at the hospital and got referred to the Physiotherapy department. Mdm Long said that the moment she entered, the department staff told her that she would definitely qualify for subsidies due to how poorly she was walking. She explained that the hospital presented her with three different sizes of PMAs. The staff then recommended the largest-sized device as the one best suited for her, saying that the smaller PMAs would run the risk of her falling and getting injured when turning. Mdm Long, who was in her third year of using a PMA, said that she received a 90% subsidy on her device, owing to factors such as being retired and part of the Pioneer Generation. Woman photographed on PMA at Parkway Parade Food Republic Mdm Long told MS News that she usually did not go to Parkway Parade unless she needed to visit the bank or if her local supermarkets did not have what she needed. On the day of the incident, the evening of 23 Aug according to her memory, Mdm Long went to the Food Republic on the B1 floor to buy some food for her and her husband. She first made an order on her PMA at the Korean food stall, which she said was the first stall at one end of the food court. Source: Facebook After a few minutes, she decided to walk across to buy some popiah from another stall, choosing not to use her PMA or walking stick. She instead used the tables and chairs on the way to help support herself. Mdm Long then returned to the Korean stall to pick up her food and left on her PMA. She said that she had to go through the food court to get to the lifts. She also claimed that the food court was not too crowded at the time and that there was little risk of her hitting anyone. Woman upset by hateful comments on Parkway Parade PMA post After the post of her went online, a friend forwarded her the photos and asked if that was her. Mdm Long initially felt a little upset at the comments but tried to just dismiss it. However, as she saw it repeatedly over the next few days, the online hate started affecting her psychologically and emotionally to the point that she did not even want to look at her phone anymore. The comments left her wondering why people were being so unkind with accusations. Mdm Long even considered meeting Dr Tan See Leng, a Marine Parade MP, to explain the situation. The two had previously met a year ago when Mdm Long was also on a PMA. However, she decided not to after seeing Dr Tan’s busy schedule and feeling her situation might be too trivial for him. Nonetheless, she kept the option in the back of her mind for if the online hate got too much. Urges netizens to approach her & learn her side of the story Mdm Long said that those netizens who flung accusations and vitriol at PMA users were speaking unfavourably of people without fully understanding the situation. She noted that it would be difficult for mere observers to discern her side of the story from a single photo online. Additionally, Mdm Long wished that the person who had taken the photo was more upfront about their discontent. “Why not come and approach me and ask or tell me ‘Hey you shouldn’t be doing that’ and I will explain [it] to you,” she said. Instead, they decided to upload the photos to Facebook and ended up creating a “free-for-all” for netizens to bash her. PMA usage a divisive topic in Singapore Mdm Long acknowledged that there are “bad apples” who misuse PMAs and ride recklessly, agreeing that it was wrong of them to do so. However, there were many in Singapore like her for whom PMAs were a requirement who ended up as innocent victims of criticism. Source: Facebook PMAs have been the subject of online discourse in recent times, often leading to negativity and insensitive remarks. The hot topic is a divisive one, as shown by the results of one Answers.sg poll. 48% of 1,726 respondents voted that PMAs should not be allowed in indoor areas such as malls. Of the remaining number, 35% said that the devices should be allowed while the rest were neutral about the topic. For Mdm Long, all she hopes for is a kinder society that can make space for older people. She said: Singapore has an ageing population. Have a heart for these people. As you grow old, you will undoubtedly have medical problems. Wishes to solve issues amicably Unfortunately, the lack of empathy towards her was not new to Mdm Long. In her last job as a member of the security staff in a school’s hostel during the Covid-19 pandemic, she recalled that her senior colleagues would say she was bai ka (crippled) and asked why she was still working there. She ended up resigning after her supervisor allegedly said she would get him into trouble. Mdm Long had also faced issues aboard public transport. In one particular instance, a bus driver had asked her to leave the bus. However, Mdm Long believes that “anything can be solved in an amicable or civilised way.” As such, Mdm Long expressed her desire to meet the OP of the Facebook post so she could personally explain her situation to them. That way, she hoped they could reflect on whether their actions were too rash or harsh.
  6. Yesterday was toast bread with v thin butter, today undercook runny eggs, tomorrow will be kopi with no kopi taste
  7. Customer shares photo of undercooked eggs from Koufu food court in Toa Payoh After ordering a breakfast toast set that included soft-boiled eggs, a customer was dismayed to be served eggs that were unsatisfactory. From a photo she shared on Facebook of the eggs, they appeared to be undercooked. Source: Vivian Cheng via COMPLAINT SINGAPORE on Facebook Service ‘not friendly’ at Toa Payoh food court Posting in the Complaint Singapore Facebook group on 19 Oct, the woman said she had ordered a toast set from the Koufu food court in Toa Payoh, ostensibly referring to the one on the second floor of the HDB Hub. At the outset, the uncle serving her was “not friendly”, she complained. Source: Google Maps She added that he forgot to give her the eggs, which are typically part of a toast set. Then, he claimed she had indicated that she didn’t want them, according to her post. Netizen says eggs from Toa Payoh are undercooked Finally, when she did receive her eggs, they looked undercooked, with the woman asking netizens: Are soft-boiled eggs supposed to be like that? Almost all who commented said the eggs looked “raw” or undercooked and advised her to send them back. Source: Facebook Some netizens also warned that she could contract salmonella if she consumed the eggs. Source: Facebook Koufu professes regret One of the comments came from Koufu, which professed “regret” for the woman’s experience. Source: Facebook To ensure such an incident will not happen again, the food court operator will look into “on-the-job-training” to prevent service lapses, it said. It will also ensure service staff are “well trained” on the food preparation, it added. In response to MS News’ queries, Koufu echoed its comment, stating that its management launched an investigation immediately after receiving the online feedback. “On the day of the incident, no other similar cases were reported by other customers, so it might be an isolated case,” it said, adding that it sincerely apologises “for the unpleasant incident.” The company also assured that regular checks will be carried out on the eggs before serving them to customers. Additionally, staff will undergo retraining on the food preparation process to ensure the quality of the soft-boiled eggs meets the required standard. “The management will closely monitor the situation to ensure such incidents do not happen again.”
  8. A 50-year-old man has been arrested for his suspected involvement in the death of a 41-year-old man, who was found unconscious at the void deck of a Clementi housing block on Oct 21. The victim was taken to hospital where he died, the police said. Early investigations suggest the two men knew each other. The police said they received a call for help at 5pm about an incident in Clementi Avenue 4. The suspect was arrested at the scene, they added. When The Straits Times arrived at Block 311B at around 7.30pm, Holland-Bukit Timah GRC MP Sim Ann was seen comforting an elderly man and woman, who were crying. In video footage of the incident recorded by residents and seen by ST, the suspect is seen chasing the victim to the foot of Block 311B. The victim appears to trip over a drain cover and falls, and the suspect seems to stab him repeatedly with a small object. People are heard shouting for him to stop, and a woman dressed in red and a parking attendant try to pull the suspect away from the victim. The victim then kicks him and crawls away. A few seconds later, the suspect dives at him and manages to stab him one more time. The victim then collapses face down and stops moving. Residents who did not want to be identified said the suspect then got into a black car and drove to the nearby multi-storey carpark. He then rammed the car repeatedly into another vehicle before being stopped at the exit of the carpark. The suspect then said he was going to surrender, came out of the car and lay on the ground before police officers arrested him, residents said. Police checking a damaged car near the scene of the incident. ST PHOTO: ARIFFIN JAMAR Dozens of police officers were later seen in the open area between blocks 311B and 311C, where a large section was cordoned off. Ms Corina Sim, 29, a resident of the estate, said she saw a woman performing chest compressions on the victim. “It happened really quickly. When I went down thinking I could help, the police and ambulance had already arrived,” she said. “I was shocked when the neighbours told me the victim was stabbed. I thought it was a fist fight or something. I felt nauseous when I saw the blood. There was so much blood.” Dozens of police officers were seen in the open area between Block 311B and 311C, where a large section was cordoned off. ST PHOTO: ARIFFIN JAMAR The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said it received a call for assistance at about 5pm, and paramedics took one person to Ng Teng Fong General Hospital. Another person was assessed for minor injuries by an SCDF paramedic but declined to be taken to hospital, it added. Later, in a Facebook post, Ms Sim Ann said: “An incident occurred at Trivelis this afternoon involving two residents, resulting in a fatality. “I have met the family members of the deceased together with our volunteers to express our condolences and offer support to them in their time of grief.” Ms Sim Ann, who is also Senior Minister of State for National Development, thanked residents who tried to help for their public-spiritedness.
  9. A customer service officer from SBS Transit was surprised to find a brown envelope containing some $10,000 wedged between the seats of an MRT train at Harbourfront MRT station on Monday (Oct 21). Soh Sin Chye, 44, had discovered the envelope while on patrol, and he promptly contacted the Operations Control Centre. He was then instructed to hand over the envelope to the station staff for safekeeping, said SBS Transit in a Facebook post on Monday. The envelope also contained a passport and an ID card. "I was initially surprised by the amount of money, but my first thought was that it needed to be returned safely— it must have been incredibly important to the owner," said Soh. About two hours later, a distressed passenger went to the station to claim the envelope, explaining he had left a brown envelope on the train. SBS staff verified and confirmed that the envelope belonged to the passenger, and Soh was there to return it to him. Soh shared: "I'm really happy that I could help out when he needed it most." Several netizens praised Soh for his integrity on the Facebook post, voicing their appreciation for kind gestures of service staff like him. PHOTO: Facebook/SBS Transit Ltd Another netizen with the user name Sindhu Missy added that she was in a similar situation before. "Well done!! Happened to me too. With an envelope of certificates. Kind soul. Be blessed," she said.
  10. The authorities have disabled access to 10 inauthentic websites set up by foreign actors. These websites could be used to mount hostile information campaigns (HICs) against Singapore, said the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) in a joint statement on Tuesday (Oct 22). The Broadcasting Act allows the authorities to issue directions to take action against content that does not comply with regulations. Investigations revealed that these inauthentic websites were designed to look like genuine Singapore websites through their domain names and incorporating familiar local features and visuals. Two of the banned websites utilised domain names similar to popular local websites, such as www.zaobaodaily.com, a name similar to local Chinese news outlet Lianhe Zaobao. A handful of the inauthentic websites identified utilise Singapore-related terms in their domain names and publish related content. PHOTO: Screengrab/www.lioncitylife.com The content on these two websites had the potential of misleading readers about official positions or local sentiments, said the authorities. Seven other websites used the word "Singapore" and other related terms, such as Singapura, Singdao and Lioncity in their domain name. These websites published Singapore-related content that was identical to other foreign newswires that conduct HICs against other countries. One website named Alamak.io carried Singapore-related content that paraphrased articles published by local mainstream media. Majority of the articles on this website were likely written by artificial intelligence tools. Alamak.io carries Singapore-related articles with content paraphrased from local mainstream media. PHOTO: Screengrab/alamak.io This website also published commentaries on socio-political issues, including one that falsely alleged Singapore allowed other countries to conduct biological warfare research. Banned websites associated with networks that previously conducted HICs Most of the websites in the abovementioned list were associated with global networks of inauthentic news websites that previously conducted HICs and influence campaigns in other countries, IMDA and MHA said. These inauthentic news sites, based in China, were sharing pro-Beijing disinformation and ad hominem attacks by concealing them within large amounts of commercial content, according to a 2024 study by academic research laboratory The Citizen Lab. These networks were also previously found by cybersecurity company Mandiant in 2022 to be disseminating pro-PRC content under the guise of independent news outlets from different parts of the world. Pre-emptive action taken in public interest: MHA MHA told AsiaOne on Tuesday that no Singaporeans are involved in operating these websites, and that the level of exposure of these sites are currently low. Investigations by the ministry also show that the websites have not mounted a HIC against Singapore. "However, the websites could potentially be used to mount HICs against Singapore in the future. It is therefore in the public interest to take pre-emptive action against them," said the ministry. In the joint statement, the authorities also urged Singaporeans to remain vigilant to inauthentic websites when consuming online content. Currently, there are no provisions in the Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act 2021 to pre-emptively act against websites, whether authentic or not. For example, an Account Restriction Direction, which is an anticipatory direction, can only be given to a provider of a social media service and/or electronic service but not websites. The government is currently reviewing FICA to see how it can be addressed.
  11. Evil black hearted hater spotted God is WASHING you!
  12. Knn send this to his parents, wife and kids ..
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