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XianGe last won the day on August 13 2022

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  1. In sinkieland cannot cos gov afraid offend the siaolang
  2. Saw the above msges... Ya makes sense if he wants silent mission... But don't the manufacturer have more silent pistols wif auto load +silencer? End of day mission accomplished
  3. Huai dun wan use normal gun? US cheap cheap leh
  4. Tink cannot be helped...
  5. Ultimate slams the door on chelsee...
  6. Sales tat bad?
  7. These siaolang should get a life... It's the era of $$$ not nationalist
  8. Huai would chiu wan a torture chiur family like tat? Did they took the last piece of food tat chiu wanted?
  9. Maybe path too painful n long...
  10. Telco cannot just hire cheap labour to handle their service..
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