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ManOfTheHour last won the day on October 8

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  1. Really hope he tio longer sentence. not once he talk abt missing his kids etc or saved any money for them this is more important https://t.me/Chaoahgualive/206088 @noobmaster @meng.huat @coffeenut
  2. Was wondering who she reminded me of and it struck me!
  3. Will enjoy every “yuf” from her anus mmm
  4. Mmmm will suck her spicy rose bud mmm
  5. His lawyer apparently called him to prepare for minimum 1 yr. Could be more
  6. Kurt to be sentenced 1 year jail? https://t.me/kurttayupdates/57788 not sure if this is his stunt to distract haters @meng.huat @coffeenut @noobmaster
  7. Hes been working security for sometime liao. Suspension ended
  8. @sTiCkY too bad Ah lian wasnt there to fart on my cakes
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