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classyNfabulous last won the day on July 27 2024

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  1. hmmm i think when he search for others in big qty, its a redflag liow. then bcos oso got search abt colleagues, dats even a better reason to penalize cos they knw his line of work prob no need to search thru such info, so y need to search. then they investigate n realise he did alot of extra search
  2. banks can know wat the staff are searching on based on every staff’s user id. tis guy so dumb din knw meh
  3. dun think is scan in our case can feel the strap got tug. dat means somehow try to pull liow. my fren pull back harder n put her arms around to kiap tiao
  4. fren & I took train in europe. really scary, hv to be wary of pickpocket. my fren’s sling bag is a thin one. she wore winter jacket over. yet she still can feel the bag strap being tug gently despite its sling underneath
  5. they claim the concrete wall is build according to aviation standard de wor
  6. paris miki is ex i heard
  7. meat is so juicy. giv too little sauce for the meat or buried underneath
  8. cutlet crust look so thick. sad. potato wedges so few. no coleslaw but dat cabbage n tomato. even more sad.
  9. if its to cover cost of f&b, can do potluck ma. every1 bring smthg. y must charge relatives. siao lang so far i knw even if wana do catering, attendees will share the cost. that means back end settle pymt. but not via charge entrance fee to attendees
  10. whr’s tis from? 1st time see hkm on colorful plate. how’s the review? it looks very dry
  11. she still looks great currently
  12. face hv alot of plastic. hair color is better than her face
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