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  1. @ManOfTheHour @noobmaster @coffeenut @CannotTahanLiao
  2. Maybe get a labrador. Don’t really need to upkeep. precisely because i love animals, i know i don’t have the means and money to take care of them
  3. For you guys @ManOfTheHour @noobmaster @coffeenut @CannotTahanLiao
  4. It’s like asking druggies don’t take drugs. Is that even possible? don’t get me wrong. I love animals. Used to volunteer my time at the animal shelter
  5. Can’t really just blame her. No one cover her while she took her smoking break
  6. @ManOfTheHour @noobmaster @coffeenut @CannotTahanLiao
  7. Of course. Won’t hesitate to suck her farts
  8. I against buying contacts. Whip out your specky and show it off!
  9. Wouldn’t mind sucking her farts, but, this specky xmm a little ignorant i have to say. I always wear my safety belt. Even more so as a driver.
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