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Homelander last won the day on April 5 2021

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  1. Same for me dude. I see 0 senior signings and rumours Szmodics going to Ipswich, no confidence for the season
  2. Remember to check the expiry dates. I got quite a few expired. Usually only use 1-2 packets.
  3. Yeah don’t sound realistic from what you describe. MU last year 18 wins and 60 points. They need a massive 15 points upturn. On the plus side, Villa only took 68 points to secure cpl.
  4. Close. This one at to singpost next to gv. https://www.instagram.com/baiwei.sg?igsh=MTg3ajRvd3I4dmwwMw==
  5. If ten hag can pick up a cup again, i think still ok. Best will be top 4 + a cup, i am guessing this is his kpi
  6. Yeah 2nd half go on 10 straight wins. Unstoppable then win liao
  7. Easiest to win will be league liao. Bare minimum requirement to win a silverware.
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