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  1. and when she turns old and unloved or contracts some disease, she will play the victim card and blame men for exploiting her. whore logic .
  2. Tan Yang Jack jack off to yang xmm photos ah
  3. sometimes tempted to try but i feel the cost goes beyond money. may need to pay back in some other way in future. better not play with such things.
  4. Free things don't complain. At least got hair to cut.
  5. i thought shaw opened cinema in banana land
  6. Will surely try and get my face closer to her armpit when she doing that tricep exercise.
  7. Can't imagine his payne. Rip.
  8. Jail this loser lah. Passers by should have just shifted him and the basikal to the side. Sinkie too humji. In other countries he would be dealt with accordingly.
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