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20 minutes ago, noobmaster said:



I rather jernelle win


It's true tho, I've seen Jernelle acting as disabled, she was great. Overlooked by audiences compared to Richie koh because she wasn't the lead, but at least got award recognition. 


Chantalle blind not disabled enough. If her character also wheelchair bound with a little bit of retardation, she prob would appear better.


Elvin Ng the only one whose acting got worse with a retarded character. 

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6 minutes ago, zendude said:


It's true tho, I've seen Jernelle acting as disabled, she was great. Overlooked by audiences compared to Richie koh because she wasn't the lead, but at least got award recognition. 


Chantalle blind not disabled enough. If her character also wheelchair bound with a little bit of retardation, she prob would appear better.


Elvin Ng the only one whose acting got worse with a retarded character. 

I only know her Jernelle as ah Lian who calls her friend a prostitute



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7 minutes ago, zendude said:


It's true tho, I've seen Jernelle acting as disabled, she was great. Overlooked by audiences compared to Richie koh because she wasn't the lead, but at least got award recognition. 


Chantalle blind not disabled enough. If her character also wheelchair bound with a little bit of retardation, she prob would appear better.


Elvin Ng the only one whose acting got worse with a retarded character. 

Thought Elvin went to New York acting school?

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14 minutes ago, zendude said:


It's true tho, I've seen Jernelle acting as disabled, she was great. Overlooked by audiences compared to Richie koh because she wasn't the lead, but at least got award recognition. 


Chantalle blind not disabled enough. If her character also wheelchair bound with a little bit of retardation, she prob would appear better.


Elvin Ng the only one whose acting got worse with a retarded character. 

It seems all one needs to do is to act as a retard character to win something and be seen as a “good actor/actress”


Thats how trash and shallow MediaCorp is 


Edited by noobmaster
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1 hour ago, CannotTahanLiao said:

My man :cool:


Same :oops:. Then when I'm about to cum, I'd moan:  ms/mrs 'insert name' or 'insert surname' 老师 :oops: mmmm



same sia......some how moaning their names sort of makes her connected or able to sense that we came for her :oops:

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2 hours ago, Cybertan said:

Bo bian. You can’t go against biology. Have you seen a guy at the bottom 10/15% of the population breed intelligent kids? 

that’s 1+B out of 7B humans. You can say what about degree studies. Well, I’ve studied my probabilities through academic journals about folks with low General Cognitive Abilities. Out of 250 folks with IQ below 90, only 40+ guys with average of 85.3 iq completed college degrees.

What does all of this have to do with specs… 🤦🏻‍♂️

by your logic i am a Liverpool player cos i have the jerseys


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1 hour ago, zendude said:


It's true tho, I've seen Jernelle acting as disabled, she was great. Overlooked by audiences compared to Richie koh because she wasn't the lead, but at least got award recognition. 


Chantalle blind not disabled enough. If her character also wheelchair bound with a little bit of retardation, she prob would appear better.


Elvin Ng the only one whose acting got worse with a retarded character. 

Im shocked cos it would have been natural for Elvin to be a retard

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