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Everything posted by socrates469bc

  1. kgk xdd jin kelian, go there jiak png alone. alrdy tell u must learn how to order like a sakti kia liao, then atbs will jiak with u. wahahahhahahahah
  2. either invest in banks or feasible new technologies. nb, if invest in property, make sure u want to be property developer or else is waste of capital.
  3. so now u know why i encourage everyone to play either blackjack or poker. at least is basic 49.5% player advantage. if know how to play correctly, u can make it a 51% player advantage. wahahahahahha
  4. actually many of them bot alot of land in sgp, but thru familial infighting and incompetent wealth management, they ended up splitting the family assets or lost thru bad investments. best is follow this sakti uncle and set up bank.
  5. song bo, vaccine kgks????? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-variants-insight/when-will-it-end-how-a-changing-virus-is-reshaping-scientists-views-on-covid-19-idUSKBN2AV1T1 But, they say, data in recent weeks on new variants from South Africa and Brazil has undercut that optimism. They now believe that SARS-CoV-2 will not only remain with us as an endemic virus, continuing to circulate in communities, but will likely cause a significant burden of illness and death for years to come. alrdy said trial data full of loopholes and questions in dec 2019 liao, but no one believe limpeh me. CNA, pls notice me!!!!!!!!
  6. their 3g and beyond r mostly in obscurity liao. but still have a few still struggling in the timber business, mostly as agents or retailing finished wooden product. even fewer managed to diversify operations in order to survive. https://www.singaporetimber.com/
  7. last time sgp also have large-scale sawmills in the woodland-kranji area, not the small scale factories today. most of these towkays either have their offices at boat quay or tanjong pagar fairfield methodist area. unfortunately, the mantra of wealth cannot last past 3g rings true for most of these towkays and most of their wealth dissipated by the 3g in the late 1990s. a few r fortunate to drag on till today but their glory has passed, never to return. thats why u hardly heard of timber tycoons being mentioned in the singapore business history.
  8. many old jb and sgp towkays made money by exporting bolehsia timber using tanjong pagar via the causeway in the 1960s. sibei good money.
  9. of cos joking. last time when my laobu go shopping at isetan wisma atria, i will just go and sit in front of the aquarium jiaking ice cream watching the fishes. the driver no choice but to stand there like my bodyguard. in the end, he also sat there and lim mcdonald milkshake. they have the big fish tank back then until 2008. https://www.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne%2BNews/Singapore/Story/A1Story20080404-58014.html
  10. since kgk xdd @HarrisY only know how to order sotong balls for hotpot, let this atb teach u how to order correctly. then maybe, just maybe, u can be as sakti as @meng.huat kor kor someday.
  11. song bo, vaccine kgks??????? that means many, if not all, wuhan vaccines r inherently unstable with sufficient statistical evidence to halt the vaccination. govts really asking the kumgong borderline retarded masses to random commit suicide. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-southkorea/south-korea-investigates-deaths-of-two-who-received-astrazeneca-covid-19-vaccine-idUSKCN2AV0D5
  12. tiong overseer of bolehsia with top glove towkay. song bo. bolehsia???????
  13. unfortunately, the sgp economy is not transforming fast enough to take up the slack. wahahahhahaha
  14. this is the sins of loong loong. song bo, sgp????? wahahahahhahaha
  15. price competitiveness due to logistic costing doesnt allow taiwan pineapples to enter sgp market. secondly, optimal harvesting of pineapple is when the fruit is 75% ripened, giving little time for transportation for faraway markets.
  16. and i want to see how the insurers will proceed with the claims arising from wuhan vaccination. https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/asia/news/breaking-news/singapore-extends-health-cover-to-include-vaccination-side-effects-244514.aspx https://www.greateasternlife.com/sg/en/personal-insurance/our-promotions-and-events/2021/covid19-coverage/extended-health-coverage.html nb, vaccine adverse reactions usually arises from pre-existing conditions so insurers can always claim policy holders have pre-existing conditions to refuse claims. so extend coverage got smlj use????
  17. tiongland cannot ban tsmc or ban american soybeans so ban pineapples. Emperor Xi macam like 5 yr old bully, cannot bully big boys, so go bully helpless pineapple farmers. sibei throw face.
  18. hypocrites many many. https://www.euronews.com/2020/11/27/sins-of-the-fathers-ireland-s-sex-abuse-survivors https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ireland-church-abuses-factbox-idUSKBN29H1JJ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-54889520
  19. a local bolehsian academic perspective on the colonial malayan economy, uncolored by race or nationalism.
  20. limpeh bo mba but limpeh running a trading business. wahahahahhahahahha
  21. now liming this daily to get my uric acid lower.
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