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Huat Zai

Mugentech Minecrafter
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Everything posted by Huat Zai

  1. Why would I know any of these people? I didn't vote for them.
  2. Lai lai, moi teach you gaslighting survey questionnaire 1. Do you think having a happy marriage is important for your own happiness? 2. Do you think your children will have a better environment to grow up if your marriage is happy? 3. Do you think your finances will be more secure in a happy marriage? 4. Lastly, do you love your husband/wife? You answer a survey like that, what will your last answer be regardless of how you feel?
  3. Best practice is never put in practice locally, no one can or will hire a proper database administrator to control all the database and ensure that the data is safe. On the other hand, no developer is stupid enough to leak data, most companies only assign 1~2 developers to work on a project (no matter how big it is), leak already sure is you one, don't even need to investigate.
  4. Gan, moi really busted out laughing physically, almost woke up my family. Moi blames j00.
  5. He had an unusually broad scope of writing, everything from sci-fi, fantasy, to academic, a really talented writer. Unfortunately his son only inherited the 风流 part, not the 才子 part.
  6. @socrates469bc Go out must make sure walking under lighting rod, later 5 thunder struck head not funny oh~
  7. US police have arrested a suspect after six people were killed in a shooting attack on an Independence Day parade in Highland Park, Illinois. Robert E Crimo III, 22, was detained after a brief chase, police said. The gunman climbed on to a roof, shooting randomly at spectators using a high-powered rifle. It is the latest mass shooting to hit the US - there has been one in every week of 2022. President Joe Biden said he was "shocked" by the violence. Mr Crimo was detained after a manhunt. He was referred to as a "person of interest" in Monday's shooting, but after his arrest police said they believed he was responsible. The gunman began firing at members of the public from the rooftop of a shop at around 10:15 local time (15:15 GMT), just a few minutes after the parade began. What should have been a day of celebration quickly turned to panic, with pushchairs, purses and lawn chairs abandoned as crowds fled from the scene. Some witnesses said they thought the sound of gunfire was fireworks or a car backfiring. One man, who was having breakfast at a nearby Starbucks when the shooting happened, told the BBC that 30 people came running into the coffee shop looking for cover. But they all had to be evacuated because they thought the gunman was trying to get in through the back door. Five adults were killed at the scene and one died later in hospital. At least two dozen others were injured. One of those who died has been named as Nicolas Toledo, a man in his late 70s, who was only there because he requires full-time care and his family did not want to miss the event. "What was supposed to be a fun family day turned into a horrific nightmare for us all," his granddaughter Xochil Toledo wrote on GoFundMe. "As a family we are broken, and numb. Our condolences go out to all the other families who lost a love one today." Another victim of the shooting has been named as Jacki Sundheim, who was described by her local synagogue as a "beloved" member who taught and worshipped there. "There are no words sufficient to express the depth of our grief for Jacki's death and sympathy for her family and loved ones," a statement by North Shore Congregation Israel synagogue said. Image source, Illinois government handout via Reuters Image caption, The suspect has been named as Robert E Crimo III No charges have been filed against Mr Crimo and there is no indication of any motive. Social media firms suspended accounts apparently belonging to Mr Crimo, who posted rap videos under an alias as well as videos depicting shootings, gun violence and other violent themes. He also posted pictures of himself draped in a Donald Trump flag and a video of him greeting Mr Trump's motorcade at an airport. The attack in Highland Park comes just a month after deadly shootings in Uvalde, Texas and Buffalo, New York. The the Gun Violence Archive, a group tracking gun violence incidents across the US, says there have been almost 250 mass shootings in 2022 alone - defining these as incidents where at least four people are shot. Illinois Governor Jay Robert Pritzker warned that mass shootings were becoming an "American tradition". "There are going to be people who are going to say that today is not the day, that now is not the time to talk about guns. I'm telling you there is no better day and no better time then right here and right now," the Democratic governor said. President Biden vowed to keep fighting "the epidemic of gun violence" in the country. "I'm not going to give up," he said, speaking outside the White House in Washington. Last week, the president signed the first significant federal bill on gun safety in nearly 30 years. It imposes tougher checks on young buyers and encourages states to remove guns from people considered a threat - but critics say the measures don't go far enough. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62045932
  8. Hougang coffeeshop stall selling S$1 smoked duck rice for opening promotion Hua Zai Hong Kong-style Roasted Delight has arrived at yet another coffeeshop. Photo by Fiona Tan Located at Bgain Coffee House at Hougang Avenue 8, the new outlet is offering smoked duck rice at S$1 for its opening promotion. When Mothership visited, a worker at the stall said that today (July 5) is its first day of operations. The S$1 deal will last for at least five days (till July 9, by our count), he added. Photo by Fiona Tan The new stall drew a decent queue in the afternoon: Photo by Fiona Tan Photo by Fiona Tan The menu appears to differ across different outlets, but Hua Zai generally offers a variety of roast meats, such as roasted pork and duck, as well as char siew and soya sauce chicken. Photo by Fiona Tan Photo by Fiona Tan Previously, the stall has also held S$1 chicken rice promotions at its other outlets, including Serangoon, Sembawang, and Bukit Batok. Hua Zai @ Bgain 681 Coffee House Address: 681 Hougang Ave 8, #01-853, Singapore 530681 Opening Hours: 10am to 10pm, daily https://mothership.sg/2022/07/hua-zai-hougang/
  9. KFC S'pore offering 5 pieces of fried chicken for S$8 on July 6, 2022 With Fried Chicken Day happening on July 6, KFC is offering its fried chicken at a special price. On the day, you can get a bucket of five pieces of fried chicken for S$8. Each piece, therefore, costs S$1.60. Each purchase comes with a free paper bucket hat, while stocks last. We suspect, however, it is 100 per cent bucket and zero per cent hat, unless putting a random object on your head can make it a hat. Photo from KFC's Facebook page. It is limited to two sets per transaction for dine-in and one set for delivery orders. Customers can choose between Original Recipe or Hot and Crispy. This deal is available for preorder for dine-in, takeaway or delivery, via the KFC app or website. Preorder is open from now till July 6, 2022. This promotion is not available at KFC Jurong Spring, Nanyang Technological University, Punggol Oasis Terrace, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore Zoo, Toa Payoh Lor 1, and Towner. https://mothership.sg/2022/07/kfc-singapore-fried-chicken-day/ @chamfergoing to jiak bui bui chicken again?
  10. An anonymous threat actor is selling several databases they claim to contain more than 22 terabytes of stolen information on roughly 1 billion Chinese citizens for 10 bitcoins (approximately $195,000). The announcement was posted on a hacker forum by someone using the handle 'ChinaDan,' saying that the information was leaked from the Shanghai National Police (SHGA) database. Based on the information they shared regarding the allegedly stolen data, the databases contain Chinese national residents' names, addresses, national ID numbers, contact info numbers, and several billion criminal records. ChinaDan also shared a sample with 750,000 records containing delivery info, ID information, and police call records. These records would allow interested buyers to verify that the data for sale is not fake. "In 2022, the Shanghai National Police (SHGA) database was leaked. This database contains many TB of data and information on Billions of Chinese citizens," the threat actor said in his post last week. "Databases contain information on 1 Billion Chinese national residents and several billion case records, including: Name, Address, Birthplace, National ID Number, Mobile number, All Crime / Case details." The threat actor confirmed the data was exfiltrated from a local private cloud provided by Aliyun (Alibaba Cloud), part of the Chinese police network (aka public security network). Image: BleepingComputer On Sunday, Binance CEO Zhao Changpeng confirmed that his company's threat intelligence experts spotted ChinaDan's claims and said that the leak was likely due to an ElasticSearch database that a Chinese government agency accidentally exposed online. "Our threat intelligence detected 1 billion resident records for sell in the dark web, including name, address, national id, mobile, police and medical records from one asian country. Likely due to a bug in an Elastic Search deployment by a gov agency," Zhao said. "This has impact on hacker detection/prevention measures, mobile numbers used for account takeovers, etc." Zhao later added that "apparently, this exploit happened because the gov developer wrote a tech blog on CSDN and accidentally included the credentials." Wall Street Journal reporter Karen Hao reached out to dozens of people who had their data allegedly stolen in the breach and said that some of them confirmed all the info available in the leaked sample. "At this point, it's impossible to confirm the scale of the data leak, but five of the people who picked up verified all of the case details listed with their name — information that would would be difficult to obtain from any source other than the police," Hao said. "The other four confirmed basic information like their names before hanging up." If ChinaDan's claims are proven to be accurate, this would be the most significant data breach ever impacting China and one of the largest in history. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/hacker-claims-to-have-stolen-data-on-1-billion-chinese-citizens/
  11. 倪匡先生於週日下午離世,雖然已屆87歲,不少書迷亦覺得無比不捨。倪匡有風流才子之稱,年輕時沉迷花花世界,妻子李果珍只能啞忍。倪匡與李果珍的婚姻經歷60多年的風風雨雨,如今倪匡逝世,最不捨的必定是身後的這位未亡人。 網絡圖片 倪匡李果珍年輕相遇 認識4個月即閃婚 網絡圖片 倪匡的愛情觀十分前衛,與妻子認識4個月即閃婚,是為逾60年婚姻的開始。倪匡年輕時偷渡來港,23歲時在香港專科學校認識到20歲的李果珍同學,他曾稱當時被對方笑容吸引,繼而展開追求,二人僅拍拖4個月就閃婚,婚後育有兒子倪震和女兒倪穗。 倪匡的兒子倪震是90年代年輕人雜誌《YES!》創辦人,倪震的妻子是80年代玉女歌手周慧敏。 張寶華專欄 >> 倪匡教你10招好好享受愛情 倪匡曾戀夜總會媽媽生 《今夜不設防》因此而生 《今夜不設防》電視截圖 倪匡年少風流,他曾表示自己在45歲之前喜歡花天酒地,年輕時喜歡收集裸照及情色片,經常周旋於不同女人之間。成為香港知名作家,有十多個文字發表平台的他,將一半收入上繳妻子,另一半收用來喝酒嫖妓,太太雖然不悅,但仍然選擇留在這段關係之中。 他又直認自己曾經戀上夜總會「媽媽生」,為此經常與兩位好友蔡瀾、黃霑到夜總會捧場,與夜總會小姐們談天說地。後來三人發現彼此異常合拍,不如將夜總會談笑的場景搬到電視成為節目,於是成就了經典電視節目 《今夜不設防》(1989)。這個清淡節目邀請城中名人談情說性,節目主持與嘉賓肆意飲酒、抽瘀、粗口橫飛(粗口經後其聲音處理),成為「清淡」節目的經典之作。 為挽婚姻與妻子移民 後因妻子不適應異地生活回港 網絡圖片 倪匡在一次受訪時表示:「老婆有一次同我講,我哋有過開心嘅日子,就係我個褲袋得幾蚊嘅時候。其實佢一直都知我去花天酒地,但係為咗個家,佢先唔想出聲。」《今夜不設防》成功後不久,倪匡於1992年與妻子移民美國,背後最大主因都是想挽回和修補與妻子的婚姻關係,在移居美國後,他表示自己想用以後的日子都花在陪伴太太身上:「就算我剩返最後一口氣,我都想留喺佢身邊。」後來因妻子李果珍不習慣美國生活,二人遂於2007年回流香港。 透露太太患腦退化症 倪匡以「妹妹豬」稱呼對方 圖片來源:蔡瀾微博 倪匡近年受皮膚癌病情困擾,走路亦出現困難。他最後一次出席大型公開活動是2019年香港書展的「科幻及推理文學」主題講座。發言時他也輕輕透露了夫妻相處點滴,倪匡和倪太在家時的互動非常甜蜜,他會稱呼太太為「妹妹」或「豬豬」,而太太又會叫他「寶貝珠珠」。 網絡圖片 倪匡又透露希望自己能在仍有餘力時盡力照顧太太,希望太太先死,因為留下來的人會更加痛苦。如今倪匡老先生先走了,對於看淡生死的他來說,或許是一個小小的遺憾。倪匡與太太李果珍一生彼此相愛相惜,太太不計較丈夫年輕時的花天酒地,能夠為彼此的愛留守到最後,成為了風流才子虛幻的花花世界以外在現實生活中最踏實的憑證,此生也必是無憾了。 https://hk.news.yahoo.com/倪匡逝世-風流才子浪子回頭-為老婆移民修心養性變寵妻狂-太太是-生最愛-100013587.html
  12. Looks bad, don't know if fatal
  13. Michelin no longer has any credibility with moi
  14. SAME-007 look like vegetable @HarrisY1, got watch boh? Or not lao chio enough?
  15. Lai lai, simple IQ question that most Sinkies will fail in. Country S is a tax haven to attract investments, income tax is up to 16%, making it one of the lowest in the world. However, the following is also true: 1) 16% of a worker's income goes into a national ponzi like "retirement fund" with a withdrawn age close to the national average life expectancy 2) Public housing, public commercial rental, and other similar public leasing which more than 92% of the population depend on is one of the highest in the world 3) Cost of vehicle ownership is the highest in the world 4) Public transport raises with oil prices but does not go down at all 5) Out of pocket health care cost is highest in the region How much is the actual taxation rate to the local population?
  16. Safety rules when traveling anywhere, 1) always stay in contact 2) have a reliable local guide 3) know and update emergency services in the area 4) plan and update evacuation plans and routes constantly 5) check on the physical and mental state of yourself and those traveling with you regularly 6) never, ever push pass safety limits.
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