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Everything posted by socrates469bc

  1. someone ought to dig out loong loong's parliamentary speech in 2005 regarding why sgp needs a casino. i alrdy pointed out the flaws in his reasoning back then but masses too kumgong to see it. wahahahahhahahaha
  2. while tokyo olympics most likely will be cancelled. only a gif can express my admiration of the sgp's leadership.
  3. i first had stones when nearing my 30s, then strike again in my mid 30s then i know is hereditary. so now i go for urology checkup every 2-3 yrs, lim abbot ural once a week and stay of calamari/uric-rich food for the past few yrs liao.
  4. tiagong from loctors that fish oil has no significant benefits. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0022534717357877 most effective is to lim lemon mixture. https://www.webmd.com/kidney-stones/news/20060524/lemonade-helps-kidney-stones#1
  5. 2cm is quite large. means u have to stay on restricted saltless diet for next 3 mths to cleanse the body. when recover, i recommend u start with 20 sec of battle rope with 20 sec rest for 3 minutes to build up ur fitness level. alternatively, can start by jogging 2km at 7km/h on the treadmill to lose the weights.
  6. will there be more to come????? @Camper kor kor, better claim ur genting points asap. @meng.huat kor kor, better claim ur genting free rooms to go with ur atb gf fast. https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/genting-permanently-shuts-casino-english-town
  7. bee kok does have many more intelligent and more qualified people. but the average intelligence of the masses r of borderline retardation, thats why the masses r always easily manipulated into making the wrong choice. corrupt biden has a 50+ yrs track record of corruption and kamala has no significant legislative bills under her name in the senate alrdy says volume abt their ability. so is this history of having incompetent minorities worth making???? we alrdy had one in useless obama liao.
  8. fish is well-crumbed but as usual, kgk xdd is too kumgong, take pure mayonnaise instead of tartar sauce. the atb waitress must be laughing at kgk xdd. wahahahahha
  9. while nsfs r busy being pcws, the isrealis r busy hacking into their enemies' computers. https://www.timesofisrael.com/idfs-cyber-warrior-8200-intelligence-unit-gets-medal-for-recent-operations/ maybe these nsfs will get medals also?????
  10. i always had a feeling that kgk xdd is a closet moonface lover. and this video has proven that kgk xdd is actually a moonface lover .
  11. most likely by that time, courts alrdy out of biz. so the boss can talk cock sing song until he song now.
  12. so means the vaccines not effective????? https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/13/moderna-ceo-says-the-world-will-have-to-live-with-the-coronavirus-forever.html
  13. all of tony's friends will still received bak kwa, but shrink by 33%. kgk xdd alibabaed the money by asking the shop to write receipt for 30kg but only buy 20kg. wahahahahhahaha
  14. kgk xdd can only lim when he have enough left over after his weekly fixed atb gf tribute. which is not much now after tony cut kgk xdd's pocket money by 50%. wahahahhahaha
  15. take care kor kor and get well soon. see u pcw when u recover.
  16. look at macau's gambling revenue u know how bad the real tiong economy is liao. wahahahahha
  17. kgk xdd jin kelian these 2 mths. tony cut ur pocket money so kgk xdd cannot pretend to be sakti goldman sach banker lim kopi bean in city link liao. can only jiak sgd5 cai png in cheap cheap kopitiam. when tony resuming ur full pocket money??????
  18. thats why nothing can replace data from monkey or human trials. all these clinical trials only accurately measure for possible side-effect in large population sample if carried out in unbiased random sample. these clinical trials cannot measure how effective a vaccine is when a subject is deliberately exposed.
  19. and still have many kgks believe in CNA's propaganda. nb, if tiongland vaccine or any others really work, logically, wuhan would be stamped out alrdy in tiongland.
  20. nb, govts really think the masses bo brain. as long as wuhan vaccines no human/monkey trials, the vaccines r considered placebo in the strictest scientific sense. smlj efficacy or safety based on clinical trials r all bluff children one.
  21. 7 early 8 early kgk xdd tell tony that work is for dkgks???? later he cut more of ur pocket money to pay for cny gifts to his atb gf, then kgk xdd really no tear cry. wahahahahhaha
  22. so does this means tiongland actually hiding the true picture from outside world????? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-china-cases/as-china-covid-19-cases-rise-millions-more-placed-under-lockdown-idUSKBN29I03G
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