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  2. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6PhxgroEsE/?igsh=MW13YjlkaG05cXdyeg==
  3. She married taiwanese music producer. wif kid now
  4. tagging @Chestnut cause she said in@Huat Zai thread she didn’t see it
  5. Perfect pose to enter sideways while sniffing her armpits
  6. Last thing I remember about Kelly Poon is some article saying she tio a lot of pain in her joints after taking COVID jab in 2021 or something
  7. This is the best curry chicken in sg. Better than hong lim
  8. Today
  9. 4 rounds of cai png moofay, here I cum!
  10. As usual under the glitz and glamour ish the dirty laundry
  11. Sounds kumgong... If I did something wrong will I file a mata report on myself? Or if it's like yrs ago 'tree branch' incident I wun oso ma... So huai mata sexpect m4 to ownself pwn ownself? Isn't it a hit n run? Call driver up for statement n check beedio?
  12. moth noob huatzai post alot daily. so i giv reactions. i dont post dat many 😂
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