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    • france mbapape and giroud follow lukaka to finish like shiet...what a waste of chances     ya lo, especially kdb, like no stamina liao... think destined for saudi.
    • SEOUL: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday (Jun 18) praised North Korea for "firmly supporting" Moscow's war in Ukraine ahead of his visit to Pyongyang aimed at boosting ties between the nuclear-armed allies. "We highly appreciate that the DPRK is firmly supporting the special military operations of Russia being conducted in Ukraine," Putin wrote in an article carried by the official Korean Central News Agency, using the acronym for North Korea's official name.   The two countries are "now actively developing the many-sided partnership", Putin wrote, pointing to, for example, the fact that Moscow and Kim Jong Un's regime have been "maintaining the common line and stand at the UN". Putin is set to arrive in the isolated North, which is under successive rounds of United Nations sanctions over Kim's banned weapons programmes, late on Tuesday for his first visit since 2000. The trip "will put bilateral cooperation onto a higher level with our joint efforts and this will contribute to developing reciprocal and equal cooperation between Russia and the DPRK", the Russian leader wrote, according to KCNA. Historic allies dating back to North Korea's founding after World War II, Moscow and Pyongyang have drawn ever closer since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022, as Putin has become increasingly isolated and is looking for friends, experts say. Last year, Kim made a rare overseas trip on his bulletproof train to meet Putin at a Russian spaceport. Seoul, Washington and Kyiv have subsequently claimed that North Korea is shipping weapons to Russia for use in its war in Ukraine, violating rafts of UN sanctions, in return for technical help with its nascent satellite programme.   North Korea has denied this, calling the claim "absurd" - even as it thanked Russia for using its UN veto in March to effectively end monitoring of sanctions violations, just as the UN experts were starting to probe alleged arms transfers. Kim has also ramped up weapons testing, including a flurry of launches this year of cruise missiles, which analysts said North Korea could be supplying to Russia for use in Ukraine. A Pentagon report last month said that Russia was using North Korean ballistic missiles in Ukraine, citing debris analysis.   DEFENCE COOPERATION Citing a Kremlin aide, Russian agencies said Monday the two leaders will sign "important documents" during the visit.     This may include a "comprehensive strategic partnership treaty" which will outline future cooperation and deal with "security issues", Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov was quoted as saying by state-run Russian news agencies. But experts said that in reality, any new agreements would be focused on boosting the two countries' defence cooperation. "Moscow and Pyongyang want to leverage the perception that their ties are long-term and increasingly integrated regarding defence," Patrick Cronin, chair for Asia-Pacific security at the Hudson Institute, told the Yonhap news agency. "They may also suggest this relationship is comprehensive. Certainly, both countries are facing serious economic dilemmas. But regardless of the words used, current relations will focus on defence cooperation." Putin's trip to the North is in reality "two strongmen with weak economies basking in the limelight as leaders to swap military technology and subvert the US-led order", Cronin told Yonhap. Source: AFP/kg
    • SINGAPORE: Boon Lay Cafe, nestled just beneath Boon Lay MRT station, is criticized for declining food quality. One unhappy diner vented on the Complaint Singapore Facebook group, sharing that the chicken cutlet he purchased from the stall appeared to be a few days old.   According to him, “From the texture and color this cutlet must be atleast 3 days old,” and it was refried repeatedly. He then questioned why stalls continue selling old food and suggested they consider the taste before selling it. Comments flooded in, echoing similar sentiments.   “I already boycott this stall. Things are not nice and very expensive! A simple ala carte beehoon, chicken and egg cost S$5 if you don’t order from the set meals,” one dissatisfied customer remarked. Another chimed in, “Already stopped buying from here years ago! When it was newly opened, it was not bad. Over the years they kept changing the cashier/handler, I stopped buying already. The food went from bad to worse.” One commenter added, “OP, from the looks of the chicken, I highly suspect it must have gone to gym prior to being cooked thus the hardened meat.   If this part is not the breast, it should be the triceps or deltoids. Bring them to SFA (Singapore Fitness Association) for a check.” In addition to the growing discontent, another commenter voiced his concerns about the chicken, which looked like it had been refried more than once.   Others noted instances where spring chicken, possibly fried the day before, tasted noticeably different upon consumption, especially when taken home. Additionally, a commenter highlighted that the food stalls at MRT stations aren’t as affordable as one might expect, a sentiment that resonated with many. One diner shared, “Stuff like that makes you wanna truly rely on home cooked meals all the more readily.” With Boon Lay Cafe drawing such widespread criticism, it’s evident that the issue extends beyond just a few isolated incidents. The decline in food quality appears to be a persistent concern, driving away long-time patrons and dissuading potential new customers from trying the food. As diners continue to voice their discontent, the crucial question remains: how will Boon Lay Cafe respond to these brickbats, and can they regain the trust and satisfaction of their once-loyal diners? /TISG      
    • looks like underaged. i not pink dot, but i also cannot steam to young xmm.   i not sick
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