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Everything posted by coffeenut

  1. Just started listening, but turn off by that mic stuck on a f'n plastic fork .. Kurt's self-intro as usual turned me off big time
  2. Hopefully later got widead summary .. can't stand Tiktok live
  3. After nong time, see @sTiCkY jiak relatively healthy food
  4. The guy like wearing jhk starter pack - cross body sling pack and kick off shoes/slippers
  5. jpmm Minami - a bit dangerous, cos 163cm/39kg
  6. Second pic nose sharp mcm look like French ger
  7. Why mosquito bite all over her face - or ijjit allergic reaction to some meds?
  8. I'll be generous and assume MU's day is as frequent as full moon. That's 12 wins. And a few more from opposition teams imploding or English refs being twats If can actually get 20 wins on merit, and squeeze in a few lucky wins + draws - can hit 75 points and top 4 Liddat sounds unrealistic already
  9. Target for ETH is prolly to get atleast 15-20 goals each from Trashford and Hoglund :s And have the other players in midfield play like a f'n team. Lose also should be fine, but they need to play quicker and maintain a basic level
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