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Everything posted by socrates469bc

  1. kgk xdd @HarrisY1 will say Werk is for KGKs wahahahahahahahahhahahaha
  2. alrdy told u kumgong pappy serfs to read more instead of listening to mediacock liao. if got read limpeh's book recommendations, u kumgong pappy serfs will know why this happen. wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  3. compared to this most misunderstood book, this book is nothing. do u kgks know how many kgks died as a result of this book in the past 157 yrs since publication?????? wahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  4. for the n times, diam diam lah, kumgong pappy serfs!!!!!!! wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  5. this week, limpeh intro the story abt a short georgian hynotist who masqueraded as a russian. until today, still got many russian kgks think he is a russian national hero when in fact he is just short georgian who single-handedly destroyed the kievan rus blood ties with a single event. limpeh will intro this event next week. wahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  6. really kumgong osv has the lowest margin and least profitable segment in o&g. limpeh will not even look at these companies. wahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  7. thats why limpeh is surprised at the number of self-proclaimed instant sexperts on the net. best part is still got so many kgks believe them. wahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  8. really think every kumgong pappy serf working in orchard road area has 8k salary every month meh???????? wahahahahahahahahahaha
  9. kumgong pappy serfs jiu shi kumgong pappy serfs never hear of diplomatic immunity meh???????? even if the israelis dont take down the post, foreign ministry can at most expel the ambassador for undiplomatic conduct. wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha wahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha
  10. Having received queries from fellow Australians on the cost of living in Singapore, he was keen to provide a real-life example—a family of four, with both children attending international school. The first order of business is rental and he opted for a 3-room condo unit which he estimated would average at about $6,000 a month, or $72,000 a year. "That's a pretty fair price in today's market. It's not going to be right in the city but you're not living on the border of Malaysia either," the 36-year-old said. Sending the kids to school won't be cheap either. Jarrad averaged international school fees at about $48,000 per child, so that brings the yearly amount to $96,000 for this family. Speaking with AsiaOne, Jarrad shared that expats tend to hesitate when it comes to public schools as there might be a desire to maintain continuity with the Australian education system. So despite the significantly higher costs of international schools vis-a-vis public schools, many expat families end up opting for the former instead. Jarrad went on to list the projected yearly costs of utilities ($12,000), transport ($1,200) and insurances ($12,000). A few other items were added to the list and he ended up with an annual spending of between $215,000 and $220,000 for this case study. This is before any travel expenses, mind you. "We need to be able to save some money in Singapore as well because otherwise, how are we going to retire?" Jarrad asked rhetorically. He added that the general rule of thumb is to save 20 per cent of one's gross income. Working backwards, the financial planner came to the conclusion that this family of four has to earn between $320,000 and $335,000 a year. In the comments section, some netizens seem to be in a state of disbelief at the numbers Jarrad had laid out. One TikTok user even called out his calculations as "seriously wrong", specifically mentioning that setting aside $6,000 for rent is "ridiculous". Jarrad replied that whatever that was shared in his TikTok video is a case study and should not be seen as a "one-size-fits-all" model. Another commenter was simply shocked by the cost breakdown. "I'm just blown away that.. there's people living these kind of lifestyles. That kind of money is beyond extravagant." PHOTOS: Screengrabs/TikTok/Australian.expat However, one user who identified as a Singaporean said that they "sympathise with this", noting that a local with "150k household income [per annum] is already struggling, and that's without international school fees or rent". To that, Jarrad replied that this "puts [things] into perspective, particularly the impact of inflation on Singapore households". Another user agreed with Jarrad's cost-of-living breakdown, saying it was "very accurate". "Of course it will vary depending on your family needs. We spend more than double on groceries. It’s good that you included savings. I think some expats forget," the user added. Jarrad told AsiaOne that he was surprised and thrilled at the number of views, 141,000 at the time of writing, his TikTok video has received. He found it fascinating that there's a strong interest in the cost of living for expats in Singapore, adding: "I think the video struck a chord because it provides practical and valuable insights into an area that affects daily life and financial planning for expats." how many n times must limpeh tell all of u kumgong pappy serfs????? diam diam lah, kumgong pappy serfs!!!!!!!! wahahahahahahahahahahaha
  11. he obviously never met kgk xdd @HarrisY1 our kgk xdd will gladly pay 150 bolehsian dollars for ramadhan buffet since got all his favorite cai png dishes like coconut rice, byrani rice, kali ayam, otak patties etc wahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  12. if limpeh not wrong, winners usually buy quick pick, system 7 or 8. btw, limpeh no play toto. wahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  13. Victorian AG must have failed accounting 100!!!!!!! must be fake news!!!!!!! who says got no discernible benefits!!!!!!! WANSUI PAPPY LORDS!!!!!!!!
  14. and this morning, bloomberg came out with this. https://www.afr.com/world/asia/once-high-flying-bankers-in-hong-kong-become-a-lost-generation-20240325-p5ff14 btw, this guy really is full of bs, so no sympathy from limpeh. “In the past I thought I was talented, top of my game. Now I know it was guo yun,” the job searcher Li says, evoking a phrase gaining traction that loosely translates to the fortunes of a country. “Without guo yun you’re nothing.” wahahahahahahhahahahahahaha
  15. no money trail detected but Kopi lim can find all the gifts given. sounds very intriguing. @Huat Zai, ur good friend Kopi Lim is jin sakti!!!!!!!!
  16. if memory serves limpeh correct, toto winners r mostly from quick pick. btw, limpeh dont play toto. wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  17. this week, limpeh intro a book abt this hypnotist who hypnotised an entire country and indirectly, perhaps more than a quarter of humanity. next week, limpeh will intro another biography of another hypnotist who continued the mayhem that is known as the Great Purge.
  18. she dont know the developer she is buying from is alrdy bankrupt meh?????? really is kumgong until no cure. wahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  19. diam diam lah, kumgong pappy serfs!!!!!! you all too kumgong to understand the economic impact of hosting all these events for pappyland!!!!!!!! WANSUI PAPPY LORDS!!!!!!!!
  20. it is not how long a kgk work is but how productive the kgk is. until now, most bosses still dont realise this simple logic. wahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  21. in defense of teochew, the biggest landlord in pappyland is not a teochew. wahahahahahahahahahaha
  22. diam diam lah, kumgong pappy serfs!!!!!!! wahahahahahahahahaha
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