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Everything posted by socrates469bc

  1. unfortunately, irl, there r only 2 gospel truth in the market. and
  2. everyday wechat different atbgf then everyday different.
  3. watching the world burns while i make money. wahahahhaha
  4. i waiting for the leakage to hit those incompetent ministers. will be retribution for their incompetencies. wahahahhahaha
  5. its really a mystery why all the ministries concerned r sleeping on the job when epidemiologists been cautioning abt that crowded and confined environment is the best incubator for wuhan virus since early feb. nb, salary so high but competency and crisis management worse than primary 6 student.
  6. u r being too kind. its just plain incompetence since epidemiologists alrdy warn abt community outbreak during close contact in feb. and what is the ministry of manpower doing in ensuring the hygiene of the dorms until being sexposed recently????? i m just amazed that the community outbreak didnt come earlier. nb, ministerial salary so high yet so incompetent,
  7. her goldie is male and got gf. really is jin sakti.
  8. i thot is sgp pools opening numbers.
  9. nb, when good times, i see the ministers on tv everyday. now bad times and need leadership in crisis management, where all the ministers go?????
  10. thats why u shld ask her out to see if she wants to play with ur goldie. i actually enjoy taking walks with my atbgf and her goldie in tow.
  11. most towkays of that generation usually have all the fortune in his founding biz, maybe will have to declare personal bankruptcy as well. if his son is smart, he will have shifted some money and assets separate from the holding company. but i dont think his son is that smart.
  12. ask her take bas to katong park and u walk ur goldie with her as exercise. i m sure she wants to play with ur goldie.
  13. the boss is now almost 80 yo, so he is gg liao. really sad for him to see his 57 yrs of work gone in 3 mths.
  14. tomorrow do what, kgk xdd???? since cannot jiak atbpgd, watch jdrama to brush up ur japanese????
  15. @meng.huat kor kor, did u try her pearls b4???? maybe shop wont be ard by end may.
  16. unless hin leong took a short on the futures to cover their physical, no way the company can even the financing. and if not wrong, their ceo shld have taken a big long position to get into this predicament. so no sympathies from me. wahahahhahahahah
  17. nb, i never see the ministers take responsibilities for anything when they r supposed to.
  18. dumplings dipped in atbcp sauce is the most ho jiak. and then lim tsingtao beer. wahahahahha
  19. can ask ur atbgf to gpgt her home-made northeast dumplings????? i long time no jiak northeast dumplings since early apr.
  20. this is what u call ho jiak delivery food.
  21. just after cny when she noticed many tiong parents withdrawing their kids from her enrichment classes. i think now even worst since local parents will also be withdrawing.
  22. ownself gold standard ownself song. now we all know where the budget of ministry of communication and information go.
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