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Everything posted by ManOfTheHour

  1. She looks like the kind always pangsai at work after lim kopi
  2. Amdl by far. Jade easy to piak when she at tkgs. So fugly now
  3. Yup every month he buys one drive. He can buy it online too
  4. True. I got lotsa rubbish magazines from safra
  5. I was just playing games for coins lol. Yest finally received thermometer for baby
  6. Anyone buy this? lol https://shopee.sg/product/8368571/4324188410?smtt=0.0.9
  7. Another boring football less night. Watching old movie
  8. Heard got idiots drop their handphone out of window. Kgk
  9. Both look like ah guas. Mai chao ah gua again rah!
  10. Caught outside without mask again lol https://m.facebook.com/KurtistaKurtbergKurtkishiRykurt-108660427490041/?__tn__=%2Cd%2CP-R&eid=ARCC-uqm8B9gL7yVOYDl1P4uOyix6S2lVK18uhfMqQvrK-AFNxwadSHbH10Ewu3Z4zEN5BWYO0Ueu6b1#!/story.php?story_fbid=113137940375623&id=108660427490041&anchor_composer=false
  11. You not that young lah. Why you ignore my question abt maria?
  12. I think when you my age you will be bui bui
  13. Except I am not a midget. About 15 cm taller than him
  14. Housework is good exercise. I lost 6 kg since February. Eating homecooked food also helped
  15. No wonder kgk pro PAP. he brainwashed since he thinks he is still 14
  16. Exactly. Sing abit help what fuck. Then these idiots will feel good about themselves.
  17. Soon will be eating grass at void deck
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