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kokleong last won the day on March 8 2019

kokleong had the most liked content!

About kokleong

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Sage (14/14)

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  1. images are not hosted on our server. they are hotlinked, so if the main page itself or switching pages are fine (while the images take time to load) it should not be an issue for the site.
  2. No issue on my end, loading is fine and server load is negligible. Could you elaborate how your experience is affected, is it the page itself or the pictures/videos that come out slow?
  3. Please use spoiler and warning for such sensitive content.
  4. are you happy with the snowfall, or want your displays to be flooded?
  5. I can neither confirm nor deny
  6. i hope its a joke, but i might oblige if there are 10 reactions on this post.
  7. i would reckon shitmoji works equally well
  8. thanks to you, the first negative emoji ever! use shit responsibly (myself excluded)
  9. what can I say... not my door
  10. No issue on my end both desktop and mobile..
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