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kokleong last won the day on March 8 2019

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  1. technically the limits are automatically enforced if the content is uploaded directly on our platform. in this case it is linked to a remote content, so we just have to be sensible members to ensure its of a decently small size. i wont be hard enforcing the size as long as its reasonable, but the content definitely will have to be SFW.
  2. limits are in place generally to prevent potential abuse.
  3. we have a cap of 100 reactions a day. have you hit that much?
  4. @noobmaster well our member here has gracefully accommodated the community, i would say it is fair for everyone else to keep signature as close to 600x100 as possible ain't that right?
  5. well it seems like generally fine to have signatures that aren't too oversized, but signature content rules will have to be much tighter than thread content given they can be seen everywhere. ahead of an official announcement @ManOfTheHour i seek your kind understanding to change the signature to a completely SFW one.
  6. actually surprised myself that a signature picture can be this big? will be looking into it. I'm afraid it will have to be downsized. i would also appreciate if such borderline content are limited to the respective threads only.
  7. sorry im just not good with home appliances where N = 2
  8. can you clarify your stand when you return? I dont usually read such content nor am i in any position to judge SG politics but at least be consistent if you have beef with anyone.
  9. your timeout has been granted. i dont do threats, i just moderate as necessary.
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