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Satki last won the day on January 1 2022

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  1. I think to make them look good during National Day. I think we need to send them to Ukraine to get some first hand experience. Survive get promoted 1 level. Die get 2 level.
  2. Instead of POFMAing people. Please work to clean up this mess.
  3. NEH what say you. Stop day dreaming that you can rule this part of the world with your F35. What is the point to fly stealthy and fast but can only shoot cheap missiles? All these profligate spending started by the holy trio need to stop. LW stop it before you get a taste of the wrath of the people. And no more DEI MPs. Meritocracy need to be restarted.
  4. @The_Kingscared kena LOD so trimmed the shop name?
  5. Wah saved a few million dollars easily. Such idiots should never be invited. When someone is leaving office and is dragging along the hubby for the last ride on AF 2 and taking advantage of suckers in the world should be shamed. VB is really a profligate spender. We certainly did not learn from the youth olympics. Trump/Kim trip must have cost us a few millions and now this.
  6. we also scared of USA. Kamala will be coming for a farewell tour. Time for LW and LHL/HC to make her feel like a President (almost) at the Istana. We should have told her to go to Philippines as they like to suck up. Or send her to Thailand to be abducted to be a Cambodian scammer. I think Biden/Harris reign is lacklustre and all these jlb want to have the last hurrah at someone's expense. We being the goodie 2 shoes said yes.
  7. this one sure kena canning if sinkie. Wonder will they dare to punish him to the fullest extent of the law?
  8. @Huat ZaiMaybe you can import and sell them. I am sure these are all manufactured in China. Many BBFA in forums for a cornered market. Huat Zai ah!!!
  9. So Mark now is enlightened. He met Trump and now says no more DEI and Fact Checking. And he donated 1 million to the inauguration fund like all the other moguls. The latest I hear is now he ordered all tampons removed from men's toilet. Of course the LGBTQA+++ says they will resign, just like those who said they will immigrate. I guess that will make it easier for HR to replace since people leave on their own accord. I am sure there will be more of this kind of news in the coming weeks and months.
  10. Now you can plug in and still can game away ma. Just make sure dont use discord when using it. @socrates469bcsays he get the real thing twice a week. I think DPX la. Maybe you should share your stash with him so he can visualise his dreams. Alternatively, I hear there is this Aussie bu in AU that wants to break some kind of record. I think a 1000 men a year. So, apply early. 2025 is a year for all it seems
  11. what happen? Someone doing bad things to you?
  12. Oh can order now https://www.condom69.net/usr/product.aspx?pgid=8&grpid=97&id=6504&currency=MY Imagine this. The girl stroke the dildo a thousand miles away and it syncs with the device that is now plugged into you. And all this while you have a video call.
  13. Should read as "tired" and not "tied" @The_KingAnd all you BBFAs
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