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Satki last won the day on January 1 2022

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  1. Some women are quite liberated and will moan or scream in ecstasy when they cum. I think the monk never had sex before so get mistaken a ecstatic scream to be a scream in pain or for help. Or, monk was not invited to partake?
  2. eh how to scream if you are asleep. Ha ha what crap but looks like the woman has a strong libido. worthy of the @The_King's blue pills stash?
  3. Just watch Dr Jason Leong on Utube. He talked about chinese playing blackjack. If you get an ace, you will slowly "bee"the card for a king. And you will shout Picture. And people next to you also join in. Picture Picture. And if it was a Picture, they will say to the guy. Wow bro you damn good. Your "beeing" skill really good. But if it was a 4, they will tell him. Hey bro that is not the way to "chart". So, chinese dont think like ang mo when it comes games of luck.
  4. the qty in the packet now like not enough to plaster a single nugget
  5. no sure thing in life other than death and taxes. people say put in milo tin under your bed then it catches fire because some Ah Beng charges his PMD upstairs. people say should invest in stocks. then the stock uplorry like Hyflux. people say put into FD or just leave in bank then bank uplorry and you are only covered to 75K. people then say put into CPF then you uplorry before 65. I say gamble a bit won't die if you don't overdo it. It keeps your hopes up and gives you some reason to live. But of course, if you have a stash of blue pills like @The_King or a harem like @socrates469bc or a stash of QYF pictures like @ManOfTheHour or you always like people's posts like @chamfer and many more here then, just do what pleases you. Money is yours and you choose how to spend it. I see many old people with a lorry of numbers in the queue and I tell myself these people have a lot of hope.
  6. wah burnt to a crisp looks like the way he held the device causes an immediate short
  7. if on target, she will carry on. They always say Dead man tell no tales. Too bad. Cannot enjoy no blame culture.
  8. Looks like can blame climate change. This will make the greenies wet all over.
  9. Sinkies can choose not to take it. they can walk. this is what happens when you are not allowed to do something about it. I always think lowly of the small businesses that put up signs that say we cannot abuse their staff. The fact that people abuse means something is not right with your system. Act on it instead of suppressing it.
  10. SG MOH now have many shots for their people. Looks like OYK went on a buying spree
  11. Hi, President Trump notice moi. Send an invite to your inauguration please. Thanks
  12. Dont laugh @The_King this could be the way of the new world as less people marry
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