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Everything posted by socrates469bc

  1. means cashflow of banker not enough to cover margin call. only kgks will invest in tiongland property-related, financial, retail and internet counters now. this one is another kgk stock. limpeh use pigu think also know cannot buy. wahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  2. after the Holodomor, the shorty georgian, in an effort to divert attention from his failed economic policy, decided to blame the failure on everyone else but himself. this week, limpeh will conclude the breakup of the Kievan Rus brotherhood with this book. in the next few coming weeks, limpeh will show what impact the kumgong 1917 october revolution have internationally which revert to this present day. wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  3. mm2 asia must be a figment of limpeh's imagination
  4. most likely microsoft is not going hire more than 10 full-time technical staffs. other services such as building and cable maintenance etc is going to be outsourced to specialized companies. wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  5. the share certificate of the first foreign bank in 19th century qing china
  6. this one smells best wahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  7. such a simple problem to solve but zheng hu sleeping on the job. song bo, kumgong pappy serfs????????? https://www.sinardaily.my/article/205090/focus/exclusives/elderly-who-live-alone-can-register-with-vsp-for-welfare-checks---police Elderly who live alone can register with VSP for welfare checks - Police
  8. use limpeh's pigu think also know this is a con job liao but still got kgks believe. wahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha
  9. some of the clan members still own some choice properties in pappyland and hk. but it is a pittance compared to their previous glory. thats why limpeh say the bolehsian Towkay of Towkays is smart. wahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  10. CCP do in a more subtle way. due to political sensitivity, limpeh point kumgong pappy serf in a general direction. who r the towkay owners of several chinese media outlets regionally and internationally. wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  11. interesting fact abt eu yan sang. eu yan sang is the only remaining family biz of eu tong sen by 1973. the family used to own one of the founding banks of uob. wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  12. obviously kumgong pappy serf is not familiar with regional and international chinese media outlets. limpeh can only say so much. wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  13. diam diam lah, u 3 kumgong pappy serfs!!!!!!! 71% or 4million kumgong pappy serfs think high property price is good for the economy, ok???????? wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  14. this one is limpeh's favorite fictional serial killer. irl, limpeh's consider him to be more elusive, even more than jack the ripper.
  15. kgk xdd @HarrisY1 suffering from severe atb depression and is currently admitted to imh. due to the severe atb depression and self-mutilation tendency, imh loctor has placed kgk xdd in isolation ward under suicide watch. so we cannot visit him yet. all we can do is pray he recover from his depression soon.
  16. this week, limpeh will talk abt a little known but turning point in Kievan Rus brotherhood. this event essentially brought ukrainian nationalism to the forefront of the ukrainian identity. the Holodomor or Ukrainian Famine is what broke this slavic brotherhood of Kievan Rus which was brought abt by shorty georgian, stalin. even wahahahahahahahahaha cant described how brainwashed kumgong serfs can be. next week, limpeh will intro a book on what came after the Holodomor.
  17. tiagong kgk xdd @HarrisY1 admitted to imh for severe atb depression. loctor put him under suicide watch, so we cannot visit him yet.
  18. limpeh wonder if this kumgong joker realise that pappyland's mrt is even longer than shanghai metro on a population basis. shanghai has 4.7x pappyland's population but the shanghai metro is only 3.49x of pappyland's mrt. never hear of malthusian theory meh??????? dont know economics but pretend to know economics.
  19. kgk xdd @HarrisY1 will say Werk is for KGKs wahahahahahahahahhahahaha
  20. alrdy told u kumgong pappy serfs to read more instead of listening to mediacock liao. if got read limpeh's book recommendations, u kumgong pappy serfs will know why this happen. wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  21. compared to this most misunderstood book, this book is nothing. do u kgks know how many kgks died as a result of this book in the past 157 yrs since publication?????? wahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  22. for the n times, diam diam lah, kumgong pappy serfs!!!!!!! wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
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