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Everything posted by socrates469bc

  1. use my pigu to calculate, i also know this figure is not accurate. tiongland was basically in shut-down mode for 6 weeks means almost all manufacturing activities except the most essential r allowed. thus, this means at least 50% of the economy was offline in those 6 weeks. with at least 30% of total output in a quarter being subject to shutdown means at least 50% of this 30% is idle. hence, the contraction shld be ard 15%. nb, if my maths is wrong, i chop my kkj and fried it for atbs to jiak.
  2. panasonic been doing high tech farming since 2014. just that it is not sexy enough for ah dou loong. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-panasonic-singapore-farming/electronics-giant-panasonic-wants-singaporeans-to-eat-its-veg-idUSKBN0G30R720140803
  3. all of u havent reach my stage of enlightenment.
  4. unfortunately, the global economy is heading into a winter for the foreseeable 2 yrs and therefore sgp will have a tough 5 yrs ahead assuming that there is a gradual resumption of economic growth by the third yr and beyond. air travel is finito, casino is finito, international trade financing is finito in sgp. the first 2 r labor intensive service industries while the later is the most profitabke. net ic exports of ard usd30bln will not be able to absorb these newly unemployed low skilled workers. the economic policies under ah dou loong have been critiqued by many economic growth sexperts as st since 2004, but no one listened during the good times. now these st myopic economic policies r going bite back with a vengeance. wahahahahha
  5. in a way, he has to. imagine if the gm and ford moved half of its current manufacturing capacities to mexico, he would not have been able to secure needed ventilators or essential materials during emergencies. unfortunately, ah dou loong doesnt see this scenario and placed all his money on casino economy. sgp economy is screwed for the next 5-10 yrs.
  6. best part is paying high salaries to ministers and get 5yo crisis management. the messes r screwed in the pgd with a vengeance for the 16 yrs of incompetency.
  7. major economies ex-EU will be 'asking' their mncs to re-shore important manufacturing capabilities to ensure minimal supply chain disruption as seen during this episode. tiko Trump will most likely arm-twist the american mncs to re-shore significant manufacturing capacity in the name of national security, more than the brits or nippons.
  8. unfortunately, the messes like a good screw in the pgd.
  9. latest buzzword in international economics is re-shoring.
  10. damien is quite a good actor while my good friend sean was still quite green back then.
  11. unfortunately, irl, there r only 2 gospel truth in the market. and
  12. everyday wechat different atbgf then everyday different.
  13. watching the world burns while i make money. wahahahhaha
  14. i waiting for the leakage to hit those incompetent ministers. will be retribution for their incompetencies. wahahahhahaha
  15. its really a mystery why all the ministries concerned r sleeping on the job when epidemiologists been cautioning abt that crowded and confined environment is the best incubator for wuhan virus since early feb. nb, salary so high but competency and crisis management worse than primary 6 student.
  16. u r being too kind. its just plain incompetence since epidemiologists alrdy warn abt community outbreak during close contact in feb. and what is the ministry of manpower doing in ensuring the hygiene of the dorms until being sexposed recently????? i m just amazed that the community outbreak didnt come earlier. nb, ministerial salary so high yet so incompetent,
  17. her goldie is male and got gf. really is jin sakti.
  18. i thot is sgp pools opening numbers.
  19. nb, when good times, i see the ministers on tv everyday. now bad times and need leadership in crisis management, where all the ministers go?????
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