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    • He is stressed out and frustrated. Stomper Derrick hired a company called Raffles Paint to paint his new three-bedroom Sengkang executive condominium unit for $3,450 in August. "Unfortunately, this turned into a deeply disappointing experience marked by dishonesty, poor workmanship, and unprofessional behaviour, both from their painters and their salesperson." said the Stomper, who is a first-time homeowner. He said the painters left his home with the toilet wet, the lights on and the windows open. In response to a Stomp query, the Raffles Paint salesperson, whose name is Khai, shared screenshots of the messages exchanged between him and the Stomper.   The first issue the Stomper brought up was the alleged use of the master bedroom toilet by the painters. "On multiple occasions, the painters used our master bedroom toilet and left it in a state of extreme wetness," said the Stomper. "The entire sink area, cabinets, and floors were soaked. "Despite this, they outright denied using the toilet. "Even after bringing this issue to their attention on day two of the job, we found the toilet in the same state the following day, meaning either the painters ignored instructions or Raffles Paint failed to inform them of our concerns." Khai told Stomp: "During the end of day two of the painting job, Mr Derrick complained that the toilet was wet. My painter was helping to clean off the dust, but water was splashed on the cabinet which did not cause any damage." Khai shared photos of the painter cleaning the toilet. The Stomper also complained the painters did not turn off the lights and close the windows in his home before leaving. "When I arrived only 15 minutes after they had left, the house was unsecured, yet the painters denied leaving it this way," recounted the homeowner. In one of the messages to the Stomper, Khai offered his "sincere apologies" for the painters. The homeowner told Stomp: "On the final day of the job, the painters lied to us, claiming that security had chased them off the premises at 5.30pm. "Upon checking with security guards, we learnt this was not true, as noisy works (not related to painting) were happening. Despite confronting them, the painters insisted that they were being forced to leave by security." The Stomper was also unhappy with the painters' workmanship. "The overall quality of the painting was substandard, with numerous white patches and paint stains left throughout the house," said the homeowner. "The painters were clearly in a hurry to leave, resulting in a lack of attention to detail. While these issues were eventually rectified, the initial carelessness and lack of professionalism were unacceptable." The Stomper then complained about Khai himself. "The salesperson, Khai, exhibited extremely unprofessional behaviour. He was often unreachable, and when he did promise to get back to us by a certain time, he failed to do so. We had to follow up multiple times just to get basic updates, which added unnecessary stress to an already frustrating experience," said the homeowner. "We consulted Khai on whether we should install our light fittings after the paint job. He confidently told us we could install them first, assuring us that the painters would be careful. "However, the numerous paint stains left around the light fittings were extremely disappointing, making it clear that this was bad advice. "While service recovery was eventually provided for the painting work itself, the issue of the improper use of our master bedroom toilet was never acceptably addressed. The management claimed the workers had 'washed' the toilet, but the state it was left in was unacceptable. "The workers had clearly used it for themselves, and despite the inconvenience and frustration, we were denied any form of compensation." Khai told Stomp: "On Oct 5, we arranged a touch up appointment with Mr Derrick. I went down personally to check and clean off paint stains on lights and walls with no damage. As shown in the conversation above, we did share a video to prove that there was no damage and all has been cleaned. "Mr Derrick was asking compensation for the toilet which had no damage. Therefore, no compensation could be given."
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