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    • @socrates469bc   Anthony Wong, 62, Warned By Doc That He Would Die Within A Year If He Doesn’t Undergo Heart Surgery     The veteran Hong Kong star is suffering from high cholesterol and cardiovascular problems after gaining weight for his role in 2022 filmThe Sunny Side of the Street. Veteran Hong Kong actor Anthony Wong may have won the Golden Horse Best Actor award in 2022 for his performance in the movie The Sunny Side of the Street, but it also left him with health problems. The 62-year-old recently shared at an event that he is suffering from high cholesterol and cardiovascular problems after gaining weight for his role as a washed-out cabbie in the movie. His doctor said his arteries are blocked and he must refrain from food that is too rich. His condition is apparently so serious that Anthony was told he would die within a year if he doesn’t undergo surgery and was advised to get it done while the risks are still considered low. Despite the warning, Anthony seemed pretty chill about his condition, saying that he wouldn’t take the doctor's advice too seriously. He recounted: "[The doctor] said to get [the operation] done when the risks are low. Wait until it becomes an issue to do it? The doctor said I'd die within a year if I don’t undergo surgery. But it's been a year and a half now, and I'm still alive." The actor prefers to do things the natural way and is currently trying to lose weight through exercise. Anthony in The Sunny Side of the Street Anthony underwent quite the transformation for the film, sporting grey hair, beard and a pot belly. In a previous interview, he said it was not difficult getting into character. His body would begin to ache when he stopped exercising for a few days. Indulging in food and not bathing for more than 10 days also helped. After playing the role for a while, Anthony felt his health deteriorate and even had problems walking. "That mode, that energy, sometimes I sit and think, 'What's wrong with me? I look sad,’” he said.
    • Now theres a new drug where can fuck raw but must commit to regular blood test so these fuckers wanna risk it for pleasure
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