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Everything posted by ODACHEK

  1. So the videographer gave her the script?
  2. They also never tell us what hardware is to be changed? Or no need to do anything, just change subscription? This is important too.
  3. It has to at some point, moi believe other flats oso...
  4. Downroad and pray on a wifi tablet ror...
  5. Huai neber develop a game where moi can walk around SG virtually without leaving moi house.
  6. No rah, he's wearing Apple Vision Pro...
  7. Whenever a PAP minister enters a company, the rest will queue up to suck cock, including the males.
  8. No worries, PAP gov will create moar jiakliaobee jobs for sinkies...
  9. Rooks rike moi friend's Tampines Greencourt.
  10. SG naodays so many cheekons, just a matter of time peepur kill them for food...
  11. Yesh, gotch sell chips for cny.
  12. For chow yun fatt to jump from bowl to bowl
  13. Mongze sounds like "dreams kena tortured"
  14. Maybe customer asked for pork burger they angry.
  15. Heng moi dun ghost cinemas nao....bukit timah hill moar moobees to watch, pray on HD projector.
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