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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. Eh!! Serious ah? Macs is better then Texas,MB &KFC??? Think of going next week leh! Can recommend good fried ayams boh?
  2. What the point? if i go, i want to see this! I also need help for someone to hold my "mick" so that the person can heard my pronunciation clearly! Continual Education is important! Right boss @socrates469bc?
  3. Both also i cant afford to eat when small. I remember we only have this type at home. Eat with copi or tea or air (on it own) when hungry!
  4. This is going to be the trend for the next 2 yrs where every stall owner will be selling $500k-1M this recipe regardless of whether its worth the money! Thats why i said this in the past, better quickly go and makan those traditional dishes/old hawker stalls.
  5. https://cashchanger.co/singapore/city-singapore/sgd-to-thb This is useful to check for FX in SG!!
  6. WAH LAO weh!!!!! When i see the word "Law" my brains immediately SHUT DOWN!! Please sir, keep it simple for psle graduate! Tolong ../\..
  7. Travellers dont need to be vaccinated or quarantine! Flights no need to wear mask but Bus/Mrt must wear! KNN! Even food center toilet cleaner can ask what logic! Maybe toilet cleaner is scholar & clean toilet is just for exercise! 4G just dont give any fcuk liao! The measures are even so illogical yet they dont give any fcuk! This shows the quality of 4G leaders/minnons! Sinkies just have to LLST and enjoy their incompetence! #songboh
  8. Wah the teacher so patient! I will head butt this KNN! Just Cane this Si Gi Na lah! Public canning then send to boy home!
  9. I have come across this smell (like rotting flesh) before even in my home! It only at certain spot i smell it & i will slowly get headaches. I will walk around to find out where the smell come from and walked past that same spot again to investigate. 2nd time & 3rd time also at that spot (open space like next to a wall & nothing else there. Then i know got "intruder" liao! I will tu-lan and give warning! 30mins later i go back and check. No more there! A few times in enclosed space i can smell in other places, my radar start to go "Defcon 3" ! I will just siam away & dont linger there!
  10. There are many logical points that i feel logical. 1 thing i always practice is to keep the place bright with natural light and good fresh air circulation! Many homes i see like to draw curtains and just depend on AC. Which make the place/room damp aka wet! This is ideal to invite "outsiders" in! Then the person luck and temperament will slowly change!
  11. @socrates469bc Boss, you also conquer Eccellente Cabaret too ah? Got XXXXL Jacuzzi to fit all in?
  12. Najib was said to be remanded to Kuala Lumpur’s Kajang Prison, where he won’t be dumped into the general prison population. He is likely to be given a private room with air conditioning and television, along with other amenities. https://www.asiasentinel.com/p/najib-razak-jailed-corruption-charges
  13. bukit indah!! What's the special feature here? The food, the water or the smell of certain # leh? Got any nearer one?
  14. I have no economic background leh! If it can stay 0 for 20yrs, why not more? If other countries say will recession but SG say no! How leh?
  15. 10 Signs Your Home May Be Haunted Is Your Home Haunted? Note: In order to claim that a ghost is present in your living space, 5 or more of these signs must be crossed off your checklist. Keep in mind that for each of these otherworldly signs, there might be a simple, worldly explanation. You’ve experienced a strange, creeping feeling like someone is watching you. People who believe they’ve experienced paranormal activity often note a sensation that someone is watching them while they sleep. Eek! Putrid odors emerge from a localized area during a specific time of day. You smell familiar and comforting scents like perfume or essences that evoke specific memories. Weird sounds like whispering voices might indicate that another being is trying to get your attention — or there’s a residual haunting happening in your home. A residual haunting is when a spirit replays and relives a past event over and over. A flash of bright light occurs at the same time everyday in the same area of your home. Frigid cold temperatures in certain areas of a room, as well as a sudden drop in temperature (usually between 20-30 degrees) can mean there’s a ghost among you. Lights, TVs, or electronic devices turning on and off can be a sign that an entity is pulling its energy from your power source, or trying to communicate with you. You’ve had a peripheral sighting, which is a glimpse of a shadowy figure from the corners of your eyesight. Spirits tend to move fast, so they may appear to be dancing or look like a flickering shadow in the distance. Missing objects are found in strange areas of your home, in places other than where they were left or are usually kept. It’s safe to assume that you misplaced an item and forgot, but if it’s found somewhere you would never think of leaving it, then it may be a sign of paranormal hijinks. You have strange dreams you’ve never experienced before, and at night, feel a sensation of touch as though something or someone is reaching out to you. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/10-signs-your-home-may-be-haunted
  16. Sometimes when i am "sensitive", i see shadows (quick disappearing grey shades) around some people!
  17. So far, those i asked in SG will sell. Only issue some rates are for at least $200. Yah... I like going to Sentosa. I enjoy eating in those coffee shops or market there! Now there are many dental clinics around taman sentosa! I dont like to go malls. Only go malls if its a hot day and need AC! I dont dont have a need to go far, unless i have something specific i need to get there! Most malls are the same, maybe buy pharma stuff or some famous amos! Last trip Famous amos closed at CQ & the mall beside! KNN I like to Makan and walk walk around pelangi or Sentosa! eat BBQ, CKT and many local food. DRink Bua long long! See minah! I hope next week CIQ not crowded, Perhaps, go again to chill! @socrates469bc Got any recommendation boh?
  18. Pre covid, JB rates are always better then SG! So i went in and expecting the same! was shock SG chinatown was selling 3.23 and JBCC was 3.21 (highest)! i changed at sentosa 3.20! bo pian need to pay dentist!
  19. That's why the last pink dot event at HL park, a Poopies MP went mah! Got shit times publicity also! If Pinky didnt give that MP pink light to go, u think he will show up! This are all election strategy!
  20. So which is worst, drinking processed water from reservoir or sewer?
  21. This afternoon i was just walking in light drizzle !!!! See if i start losing hair or got more demented !!!
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