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Everything posted by Satki

  1. Still, Saab is in the wrong. It is like you ram someone else's back but want to complain the front driver was slow.
  2. Saab probably think he will show the Merc that his car is better. But forgot his brakes tak boleh stop. So decided to mat rempit through traffic junction. Ended up in deep shiat. young people nowadays all think they are like F1 racers. Crash and can walk away.
  3. Only stealing ideas to mass manufacture is not really espionage in the real sense. Unless it has to with government or weapons
  4. 160 refuse to fact check. no antidote for such poison?
  5. In HK, the neighbour would have been called up and warned. If they persist, they will be fined and dragged to court. They will be given the PAP way, as in fined till their pants drop. I think low ses coolie behaviour is all around us and add that with their translation background. Recipe for shiat to happen
  6. was replying to this from you: "never faint la walao just feel giddy .." swoon as in giddy. I think most likely blood pressure issue.
  7. I thought females are the ones that swoon and guys all macho types No?
  8. Old people say eat kidney to boost kidney
  9. Stocks will take a beating Time to short sell DFT will laugh at the blue chips now
  10. actually i know of a couple of such women (not interested) but they were open about their lust for AMDK. They even argued once in Paris cos both want to lay the same person. so guys if their raisins are long and dark, just leave
  11. hold the call this is going to cool the place down to 20+ degrees awesome idea. now they need to put in a pump to pump back up so it can come down again.
  12. That sounds like a demented mind. But many around lately it seems.
  13. I wonder what is in the minds of such people. I guess to some, posting in social media is the real thing.
  14. wah you pichar lobang. If over the other side, you will be reported and again t ban
  15. Probably a Karen refuse to surrender plastic bag insist monkey stand down to her wishes so Monkey shows who is boss. the end
  16. Just search lazada. so many models. Any that have both options? Thanks
  17. Tempted by nay ads on this. Is anyone using one of this and can recommend one that can vacuum and mop?
  18. looks like another day in Singapore so we are leaving people behind every other day? Another chance to vote wisely. Do it or forever hold your peace.
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