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    • Same ah. Maybe that was in the 00s after 97.    Now is secret invasion of the cecaians
    • I feel compelled to share my frustrating experience with SIMBA Broadband to warn others about their unethical practices and poor customer service.  Here’s what happened: Misleading Contract Terms: We signed up for a $20/month broadband promotion for 2.5GB of data. The service was consistently slow and unreliable, so we decided to terminate the contract. Unannounced Contract Changes: Without any notice, SIMBA changed their terms THREE TIMES, retroactively turning our monthly plan into a 360-day contract. When we questioned them, they refused to provide any contract or proof of our agreement, claiming we had acknowledged their terms online — but those terms were not there when we signed up! Poor Handling of Complaints: When I provided the details of the staff member who assisted us (as requested by SIMBA), they accused us of racial discrimination simply for describing the person’s appearance. This is not only absurd but an insult to genuine customer concerns. We only followed their instructions and now we're being unfairly blamed. SIMBA has shown a complete lack of professionalism and transparency. If this is how they treat their customers, others should beware of what they’re signing up for. Here’s the proof of our email exchange where they avoid taking responsibility and try to distract by throwing baseless accusations at us.   Please share this post so others don’t fall into the same trap. Has anyone else had similar experiences with them? Let me know below.         https://www.facebook.com/share/p/HZ6fo4gvjaWMgEHE/
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