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    • Her ig shows that she on some Tiong reality show. A lot of armpit scenes   @ExTreMisTxxx
    • Police alerted after Chai Chee resident became ‘aggressive’ at Meet-the-People session on 16 Sept Police officers were reportedly called to the scene of the Kampong Chai Chee Meet-the-People (MTP) session on Monday (16 Sept). This came after a resident turned “a little more aggressive”. Recounting the incident, East Coast GRC MP Tan Kiat How said there was “a bit of a commotion” at the session. Source: @tankiathow on TikTok The MP pointed out that while he empathises with everyone who turns up at the MTP session, he hopes residents would respect the volunteers present.   In doing so, residents can help to ensure MTP sessions are a “safe space for everyone”. Mr Tan also stated that there are things that are simply beyond their capabilities. For such cases, Mr Tan said he and his team would be upfront with the residents involved. Source: Tan Kiat How on Facebook East Coast MP had helped ‘aggressive’ resident’s parents The Kampong Chai Chee MP did not disclose the nature of the incident. In response to a comment, however, Mr Tan said he had previously rendered help to the “aggressive” resident’s parents. Source: TikTok According to the People’s Action Party website, MTP sessions for Kampong Chai Chee are held at 7.30pm on Mondays at 408 Bedok North Avenue 2.   In response to MS News‘ queries, the police said they received a call for assistance at Block 408 Bedok North Avenue 2 at about 8.50pm on 16 Sept.   However, the “man who was allegedly of concern” left before officers arrived at the scene. Investigations are ongoing.   https://mustsharenews.com/aggressive-meet-the-people/
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