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It Takes a Village: Car full of ‘Singaporean’ visitors shake vehicle to eek out last drops of petrol


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Feeling that post-lunch, afternoon slump waiting for the clock to strike six so that you can make haste and leave?

Well, before you go and take a tea break, spare a minute for this video: Purported to be taken at a Johor-area petrol station, it has been making the round on social media over the last couple of days.

We’ll preface this by saying that the group of men in the clip are believed to be Singaporean, and that only makes the whole scene a lot funnier to the average Malaysian. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯







Ah yes, the ol’ rockin-and-a-knockin of the wagon trick — more Singaporean than an orderly queue — and often attempted by those who think they’re eking out the final precious drops of cheap Malaysian petrol.





Spoiler alert: You’re often doing nothing more than testing out your car’s stationary suspension.

Yes, driver — shaking your car vigorously after you’ve already stopped pumping gas will maybe get you a drop or two more, but not really anything to get you back over the Causeway.

In fact, car folk want you to know that you’re better to wait for a minute or two for petrol foam and gases to dissipate, and then continue filling if you’re keen to get as much in your tank as possible. Word of warning though: Overfilling your car is dangerous, and can be damaging, so don’t do that, k?

Anyway, thanks for the laughs, Singapore. Nothing better than watching a group of grown men hump their car on hump day to get us through to dinner.


Text by Coconuts KL

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