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Everything posted by metalrover

  1. Leicester takes the lead 2-1, nice buildup, nice cross, good finish
  2. Jota 2nd of the day put liverpool back in front...
  3. 二师兄 see so many female 妖怪 in the train, can tahan or not?
  4. Blackburn Rovers' summer transfer window budget and the recruitment challenges ahead Jon Dahl Tomasson has discussed recruitment plans fo the summer transfer window Blackburn Rovers head coach Jon Dahl Tomasson. (Image: PA Wire/PA Images) Jon Dahl Tomasson has revealed Blackburn Rovers will be targetting loans and free transfers whilst trying to exploit European markets in the summer transfer window. Rovers were left playing catch-up in 2022 after the late arrival of Gregg Broughton and Tomasson as the club restructured their football operations. With that in mind, the upcoming window is the first proper summer Rovers have been able to plan for under the new regime. Broughton revealed that a transfer longlist would be presented to the management team in early April with initial players identified by the recruitment team. That list will then be further filtered down with clips of those individual targets, Tomasson explained. The Danish head coach admitted Rovers will need to box smart once again, with the club trying to compete with bigger budgets in the Championship. He revealed Rovers currently have the 14th-highest wage budget in the division. "Yeah, we have seen that the recruitment team has been working hard," Tomasson told Lancs Live. "They have come up with names and now they need to present the players with clips to the staff so we can see if we think they are the right players. "There has been a filter first of all. We can't give a lot away with money so it's loans and free transfers. "We look at the way of playing, the principles we want as a club and then you filter down. With the UK being outside of Europe, it can be difficult to get players from abroad. "Then you have the competition in the league, we are 14th in the league regarding wages. So that is always a difficult one. Hopefully, we will have a good window in the summer." Source : https://www.lancs.live/sport/football/football-news/blackburn-rovers-transfer-budget-recruitment-26692122
  5. Welkin Country of origin: Singapore Location: Singapore Status: Active Formed in: 2017 Genre: Black Metal Themes: Nature, Philosophy, Chinese history, War Current label: Pest Productions Years active: 2017-present In 2022, the band also started going by the name 皇天. Discography Members Reviews Similar Artists Related Links Complete discography Main Lives Demos Misc. NameTypeYearReviews WelkinDemo2018 Tri-Necromantic Black MassSplit2019 Recollections of Conquest and HonourFull-length20201 (79%) 除邪 Will to PurificationCompilation2023 武勇 / Emblems of ValourFull-length2023 Black metal band from Singapore https://welkin.bandcamp.com/
  6. REVIEWS Album Review: ASYSTOLE Siren To Blight 8REVIEWER I, Voidhanger records is in the mind-bending metal business, and Asystole's new album, Siren to Blight, is the type of record where you'd know the label without having to look. For people who seek the dissonance and blistering riffs and rhythms of classic Demilich and Gorguts, this is the album for you. ADVERTISEMENT. SCROLL TO CONTINUE READING. Of course, the challenge with this form of metal is that its inherent complexity makes it impenetrable to most listeners, including most metal listeners. Thus, just as with any form of prog-metal or technical metal, it takes a talented group of composers to frame the style in a memorable way. I'd say this New York-based quintet has done solid work on this record. The immediate hooks on songs like "Sophist Paralysis" and "Song of Subservient Bliss" show that the band aren't just out to impress people with songs that are difficult to play. They seek to use their talents to make you raise the horns in metallic satisfaction. To that end, the guitar tone is clear yet crushing. The drum parts are dazzlingly impressive, but still have enough consistency to guide the listener through the songs. And the vocals are standard low gutterals. Nothing wrong with that; John Dunn IV knows his role and fulfills it with gusto. Listeners looking for the most straightforward crusher should probably check out "Privatio Malus." The interplay between the drums, vocals and riffs all comes together brilliantly here. It's the best kind of technicality, the sort you can get lost in and yet still recover your place when you regain concentration. Trust me, crank this song and try to resist the urge to make the goblet hands expression. You will fail. There is, of course, another advantage to this album in that it's not too long. And the songs aren't too long. A lot of similar bands belabor the listener and overstay their sonic welcome with 8-, 10-, or 12-minute songs that are really just self-fellating wastes of time. These guys are smart. They give you proper punches that hover around the 4- and 5-minute mark. ADVERTISEMENT. SCROLL TO CONTINUE READING. As with so many things, this band is definitely a mood band. But when the moment calls for scrambling your brains under the weight of crushing blastbeats and notes played at odd intervals, it's just what the mad doctor ordered.
  7. Forest got midfielder name called Mangala
  8. Last 7 games left, they going to change manager, or maybe is for next season?
  9. Man u score liao, tap in... Forest changed their entire 1st team from championship, when they promoted. This time if go down, their wage bill going to gg
  10. Arsenal drop points again, city got a game in hand. See if arsenal can handle the pressure when thd lead get slashed to 1 point
  11. Britain to encourage smokers to swap cigarettes for vapes in world-first health initiative Posted 6h ago6 hours ago The UK will supply almost one-in-five smokers with a vaping starter kit, along with advice to help quit smoking.(Getty Images: Sestovic/File) Up to 1 million British smokers will be encouraged to swap cigarettes for "vapes", with pregnant women offered financial incentives to make the change in what will be a world first, the UK government said on Tuesday. Key points: The UK government will provide vaping starter kits to up to 1 million British smokers That move is meant to help reduce the UK smoking rate to 5 per cent, down from the current 13 per cent Such an initiative is unlikely to be adopted in Australia, where the government is under pressure to ban vaping altogether Under the scheme, almost one-in-five smokers will be given a vape — an e-cigarette — starter kit, along with support to help quit smoking, the UK Department of Health said. Pregnant women will also be offered vouchers to help them kick the habit as part of the government's target of reducing the number of smokers to 5 per cent or less of the population, down from 13 per cent now. "Up to two-out-of-three lifelong smokers will die from smoking. Cigarettes are the only product on sale which will kill you if used correctly," Health Minister Neil O'Brien will say in a speech later on Tuesday, the government said. "We will offer a million smokers new help to quit. We will be funding a new national 'swap to stop' scheme — the first of its kind in the world." Vaping discouraged in Australia The British approach stands in stark contrast to that of the Australian government, which has vowed to crack down on Australia's vaping black market amid concerns that a new generation is becoming addicted to nicotine, leading to calls to ban vaping altogether. Under existing laws in Australia, nicotine vapes can only be purchased with a prescription by adults trying to quit smoking. However, there is a growing cohort of vapers among people under 18 — about 16 per cent in 2021, according to one NSW study — buying mainly disposable vapes on the black market that are being imported and marketed in fluorescent colours and sweet flavours. Loading... "The tobacco industry has found a new way to develop a generation of nicotine addicts, and we will not stand for it," Health Minister Mark Butler said last month. A report released last Friday found there was only "limited evidence" that nicotine e-cigarettes were effective in helping people to quit, however there was "substantial evidence" that e-cigarette use can increase the uptake of tobacco smoking in people who do not smoke. 'Enforcement squad' to protect under-18s The push to swap cigarettes for vapes is driven by the fact that tobacco is still the highest preventable cause of death and illness in Britain, the UK health department said. Its government spent 68 million British pounds ($126.5 million) in 2021-22 on local authority measures to get people to stop smoking, leading to 100,000 smokers quitting, and easing the strain on Britain's overwhelmed National Health Service. British health officials have warned, however, that vaping's popularity among children is exposing them to chemicals whose long-term effects are unclear. Health service figures show 9 per cent of teens aged 11-15 years in Britain had used e-cigarettes in 2021, up from 6 per cent three years prior. The UK government said it would set up an enforcement squad backed by 3 million pounds in funding to prevent the illegal sale of vapes to under-18s. Reuters/ABC https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-04-11/britain-to-encourage-smokers-to-swap-cigarettes-for-vapes/102209174
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