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Everything posted by Londonchocolateroll

  1. Provide a listening ear without judgement. Explore his options with him
  2. Genius and at the same time an amateur. Know how to exploit but don't how to cover his tracks
  3. Quite enterprising and original in a way to use Bak Kwa to scam people
  4. Any photo of the Czech woman? Er I just want to make sure that she is safe....
  5. Returning trays is about cleaning after your mess. Just like we teach our children to bring their plates to the sink after a meal. Same principle. Just like you flush after your toilet business. Or do you not flush because you paid 10 cents? Why should I return my tray since I paid for cleaning? Well, do you talk loudly and disturb others in a cinema since you paid for the ticket? Of course not because we are considerate. So why can't we be considerate and clear our own mess and allow others to quickly access the table? Then what are cleaners for? Cleaners are there to wipe the table or clear the trays for elderly people etc No one is asking you to wipe the table or wash the dishes. The dish washers or cleaners will take care of that so no job is taken away, contary to popular belief that jobs will be taken away if everyone starts to return their trays. If you travelled to Korea or Japan, tray returning is a norm. Not littering is a norm. That's why when it comes to being civilized and cultured, we still have a lot to learn.
  6. I will always try to return the tray because it is a civilised thing to do. Just like flushing after you finish your business in the toilet, whether you pay or didn't pay to enter.
  7. Look like a lame storyline. So who is good and who is bad?
  8. 20 years is no joke. Hope his family is there to help him start life afresh
  9. Some man are socially awkward or don't have luck in relationships. At least he is not preying on some young girls and destroying lives right?
  10. Thats why I don't buy expensive gadgets anymore because they are not made to last
  11. I heard of altruistic people who volunteer or donate large sums of money but to temporarily give up their new homes to strangers and they themselves moved out is just beyond imagination. Our society need more people like them.
  12. Anyone watch or follow this series? I enjoy watching all this social experiments and when kind people intervene, it is very heart warming
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