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Everything posted by Satki

  1. PAP IBs like that CNA libtard will say it taste better or something. In fact, he concluded that it is safer and better to drink from tap. Now we know Proof is here. LOL Good job @The_King
  2. wow one could be a coincidence two, i think warrant a "deep throat" investigation. but with the wokes and libtards in power in the US, this will never happen as it will mean losing the election No matter where. Politicians are crooks as they will want to hang on to power. US and the world need to limit them to 2 terms else they get cocky.
  3. unfortunately this is not the IB forum so you expect people with a brain and can think. If you want to experience the group think of "hail the grand master" then NK is for you. Cheers
  4. it's in the coffee powder. No wonder once on a SQ flight, had to reject the coffee after a sip.
  5. side effects of the blue pills?
  6. Here should be like X. do your own due diligence
  7. OK learning some new karmasutra moves obviously here
  8. hope he did not forget to take out the gonads for the women.
  9. Was men able to breastfeed in its early evolution? I see animals (some) also have them. What scientific or medical purpose does it serve? Thought this esoteric question might distract the people here from farts and similar discussions.
  10. @The_King this is NOT NK. So say it! I hope it is not the food. You know I often hear them saying the marbling gives so much flavours. They are fats. Sooner or later the marbling flavours will be build up and choke their arteries. And add that to the Vaccines, it is double whammy. Cheers
  11. @ManOfTheHour is that your legendary QYF in her later years? Surely you are not dreaming of her farts now, right?
  12. @ManOfTheHour wah your pics make me want to puke I keep on getting the image of the brown stuff oozing out from the middle of the pic
  13. hey No part of this story or photos can be reproduced without permission from 8days.sg.
  14. not too into satay bee hoon cos use to have see hums which I dislike
  15. Still, Saab is in the wrong. It is like you ram someone else's back but want to complain the front driver was slow.
  16. Saab probably think he will show the Merc that his car is better. But forgot his brakes tak boleh stop. So decided to mat rempit through traffic junction. Ended up in deep shiat. young people nowadays all think they are like F1 racers. Crash and can walk away.
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