When a country is on decline it like this de
In the old day confirm kena charge Liao, train major break down confirm sack
As a quote was said, Everything works, whether it's water, electricity, gas, telephone, telexes, it just has to work. If it doesn't work, I want to know why, and if I am not satisfied, and I often was not the chief goes, and I have to find another chief. Firing the chief is very simple; getting one who can do the job better, that's difficult."
1832 we were made the capital of the Straits Settlement
I would think that it makes sense that they be annexed. Also should we rename the Straits of Johor as Straits of Singapore since the whole island of Singapore covered that piece of water whereas it is only partial for Johor.
Look at the US. They are now addressing many of the mistakes of history and Singapore should do so too. VB should start negotiation and put down our demands. We can easily be sea tunnels to link these places via the Straits of Malacca.