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Everything posted by ODACHEK

  1. Hot towels can kill germs and viruses, dunno huai suspended in the first prace...
  2. Moi see two guniangs...
  3. Moi vote dozen matter Tharman aka ex PAP minister will still win becos of majority of sinkies are daft.
  4. The toddler can choke and die if drink water rike thish...can considered as attempting murder.
  5. Moi hope the teacher ghost to 10 Courts of Hell after she dies.
  6. The man needs to be AMDK or else gotch trouble.
  7. Cannotch ghost dare watch, or else pple will say moi ish lao tiko taking pigtures of pretty girls..
  8. No need to volt for tharman, he will sure win wif many empty boxes rike in 2011.
  9. SG definition of poor ish notch able to live in black and white houses.
  10. Moi tot betterer cgi in 2023...but the sexplosion still cmi...
  11. Iswaran busy counting money notch free to control these PMDs wif lousy batteries.
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