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    Curry Pork

  2. 無綫藝人黃子恆最近被指搭上內地一名女粉絲, 雙方發生性行為後,女方發現懷孕,他卻消失得無影無蹤,已有4個月身孕的女粉絲誓要公開其惡行,昨日表示手握子恆為做錯事而哭訴的語音檔案及留言,並揚言將進行墮胎手術。不過,子恆昨日承認一度欲與女方進一步發展,惟堅稱只與對方發生過一次性行為, 又否認是BB 經手人,不介意驗DNA以證清白! 現年36歲的黃子恆,兩年前介入歌手裕美婚姻,事件曝光後隨即斬纜,專心發展事業,無綫亦不斷給予機會,他在台慶劇《是咁的,法官閣下》中演律師表現不錯,未料近日再有負面新聞纏身!一名現年28歲的黃子恆內地女粉絲Michelle,向本報爆料指兩度與對方發生性行為,未幾發現懷有身孕,子恆卻一直「潛水」,故決定公開其渣男行為,誓要令他失業! 第二次見面即上床自稱是子恆鐵粉的Michelle,透露於2017年4月30日在廣州粉絲聚會中,首度與偶像見面, 此後二人一直透過微博私信聯絡,她指一星期後有禮物送給子恆,故相約於深圳酒店式住宅會面,又以交收禮物為由見她,因為子恆是公眾人物,故不以為意,覺得他不是壞人:「最初我們只是看電視,跟住他叫我去洗澡,之後他又去,雖然沒有很坦白指想上床,但最後也在床上發生關係。(沒有拒絕?)沒有,因為我是一個小妹妹,他是我的偶像、喜歡的人。」發生關係後,子恆半年來也沒有找她,只是期間有閒聊幾句,並沒提及二人關係。公開事件令渣男失業關係未被認定,Michelle傷心到爆,三個月足不出戶,不思飲食,此事未幾在粉絲群組爆出, 正反聲音參半,有人罵她神經病。不過她表示子恆為平息事件,有承認雙方是好朋友,只是中間發生了誤會,但她認為對方只想明哲保身,還叫一位粉絲為他說好話,希望Michelle給予機會。她又說子恆自稱很內疚、想自殺,為了作出補償,Michelle聲稱二人1月時回復朋友關係,至7月份,雙方又相約於深圳見面,並發生了第二次性行為,之後子恆再玩失蹤,未幾Michelle發現有了BB,她強調一直找子恆也是零回覆:「他就是一個『渣男』!我現在的目的只想他失業。(現在懷孕多少個月?)有4 個月吧,現在有點難受,也決定不要BB。(會墮胎?)這個當然,我才多大呀?我也是第一次懷胎, 雖然很危險,但愈快做愈好。」對於子恆強調與她僅發生一次性行為,Michelle淡然說:「他這樣說也可以,沒所謂,真的沒一句實話!」 記:記者 黃:黃子恆記:你哋前後發生過兩次性行為?黃:其實我同佢只係發生過一次,我哋第一次見面係上年4月 Fans meeting,之後就各有各散,Fans meeting之後嘅一星期,佢話有份禮物送畀我,當日係第二次見面。記:第二次見面,即收禮物時,喺你酒店房見面?黃:唔係,喺佢住嗰度,一間深圳類似酒店式住宅嘅地方,其實Fans meeting見面會之前,我哋已認識,喺微博有溝通,但我覺得第一次見面喺Fans meeting,係個好好見面嘅場合,避免兩個人單獨見面。記:Michelle話懷有你嘅BB,進行性行為時,你哋有冇做足安全措施? 黃:有,有做足安全措施!(有冇戴避孕套?)有!其實我同佢已經有年半冇見過。記:會唔會報案?黃:我都有諮詢過律師意見,呢啲都係民事訴訟,始終一場相識,一場朋友,曾經我都畀咗個希望佢,嘗試過之後唔Work都冇辦法。記:怕唔怕佢做傻事?自殺?黃:佢諗歪我都冇辦法!呢啲我都控制唔到,我只希望謠言唔好再散佈出去,其實要證明我都有辦法證明!記:驗DNA都肯?黃:肯!我隨時Welcome! Untiong by Google: TVB artist Huang Ziheng was recently accused of catching a female fan in the Mainland. After the sexes on both sides, the woman found her pregnancy, but he disappeared without a trace. The female fan who had been pregnant for 4 months vowed to disclose his evil behavior. Yesterday said The hand held a voice file and a message crying for the wrong thing, and threatened to perform an abortion. However, Ziheng admitted yesterday that he wanted to further develop with the woman, but insisted that he had only had a one-time behavior with the other party, and denied that he was a BB person. He did not mind testing DNA to prove innocence! Huang Ziheng, 36, was involved in the singer Yumei's marriage two years ago. After the incident was exposed, he immediately focused on developing his career. Wireless also gave opportunities. He performed well in the Taiwanese drama "Yes, Lord Judge". Unexpectedly, there will be negative news in recent days! A 28-year-old Huang Ziheng, a female fan of the mainland, Michelle, told the newspaper that she had sexual intercourse with her partner twice. She was found to be pregnant, but she had been "diving", so she decided to disclose her scum male behavior and vowed Make him unemployed! Go to bed the second time Michelle, who claims to be a ferrous iron powder, revealed that she met with the idol for the first time at the Guangzhou fan gathering on April 30, 2017. Since then, the two have been liaising through Weibo private letters. She said that there is a gift to Ziheng one week later. So I met in Shenzhen hotel-style residence and met her on the grounds of handing over the gift. Because Ziheng is a public figure, I don’t think it is right. I think he is not a bad person: "In the beginning, we just watched TV and told him to call me. After taking a shower, he went again. Although he didn't quite want to go to bed, he finally had a relationship in bed. (No rejection?) No, because I am a little sister, he is my idol, like someone." After that, Ziheng did not find her for half a year, but only had a few chats during the period and did not mention the relationship between the two. Public event makes scum male unemployed The relationship was not confirmed, Michelle was upset, and she stayed away from home for three months. She didn't think about eating. The matter broke out in the fan group. The voice was mixed, and some people were sick of her. However, she said that Ziheng is a calming event. She admits that both sides are good friends, but there is a misunderstanding in the middle, but she thinks that the other party only wants to protect the body, and also asks a fan to say good things to him, and hopes that Michelle will give the opportunity. She also said that Ziheng claimed to be very guilty and wanted to commit suicide. In order to make compensation, Michelle claimed that the two returned to their friends in January. By July, the two sides met in Shenzhen and had a second sexual act. Missing, Michelle found BB, she stressed that she has been looking for Ziheng is also a zero reply: "He is a "slag man"! My current purpose is only to want him to be unemployed. (How many months are you pregnant now?) There are 4 Month, it’s a little uncomfortable now, and I decided not to BB. (Is it abortion?) Of course, how old am I? I am also pregnant for the first time, although it is dangerous, the sooner I do it, the better.” For Ziheng stressed with her Only one-time behavior occurred, Michelle said lightly: "He can say this, it doesn't matter, there is really no truth!" Reporter: Reporter Huang: Huang Ziheng Reporter: Have you had two sexual acts before and after? Huang: Actually, I only happened once with the canal. I met for the first time in April of the Fans meeting. After that, I had a separate meeting. After the Fans meeting, I was a week, and I had a gift for me. The second time I met. Reporter: When you meet for the second time, when you receive a gift, meet your hotel room? Huang: The 唔 system, the 喺 嗰 嗰 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Take a good occasion to meet and avoid two people to meet alone. Reporter: Michelle's words have your own BB. When you are having sex, do you have to do security measures? Huang: Yes, there are security measures! (Is there a condom?) Yes! In fact, I have seen the same channel for a long time. Reporter: Will the meeting report the case? Huang: I have consulted with lawyers. I have been in civil litigation. I have always met each other. A friend, I used to have a hopeful channel. After I tried it, I was tempted by Work. Reporter: Are you afraid of being stupid? suicide? Huang: I am awkward! After all, I have control over it. I only hope that the rumors will be spread out. In fact, I have to prove that I have a way to prove it! Remember: DNA is willing to test? Huang: Ken! I am always welcome! 1 GG
  3. Madam Jacelyn Wong lost four-year-old daughter Eleanor Tan Si Xuan on Oct 9, 2017, in a fatal car accident.PHOTO: COURTESY OF JACELYN WONG SINGAPORE - Madam Jacelyn Wong, 25, has a three-year-old son and is expecting another boy in February. But to the housewife and her husband, they will always be a family with three children. They lost their four-year-old daughter, Eleanor Tan Si Xuan, on Oct 9, 2017, in a fatal car accident. Eleanor had been on her way home from school with the family's domestic worker, Ms Su Su Hlaing, 38, and the pair were crossing the road near Bukit Batok Central when they were hit by a car. They were taken to hospital, where Eleanor died of her injuries and Ms Su Su Hlaing needed weeks to recover. On Thursday (Dec 6), more than a year after Eleanor's death, the driver Sai Mee Chun, 54, was sentenced to six weeks' jail and disqualified from driving all classes of vehicles for five years. The former condominium manager had pleaded guilty to causing death by driving in a negligent manner. For Madam Wong, who is seven months pregnant, it finally feels like there is closure. "We didn't actively ask for updates on his case, because it doesn't make a difference," she said. "We want our memories of Eleanor to be about us (as a family), and not about him and the accident." Ms Su Su Hlaing no longer works for the family. Their grief has been assuaged a little by the coming addition to the family. Madam Wong found out she was pregnant in June. "The new baby gave us motivation and we started preparing for the new adventure," said Madam Wong. "It did divert our attention away from our loss, but Eleanor will always be part of the family." Her daughter's former kindergarten teachers and classmates, as well as the children's parents, also keep Eleanor, whom they described as a bubbly and cheerful girl, close to their hearts. Last week, they presented Madam Wong with letters and a graduation gift in memory of their classmate, who would have graduated from kindergarten at a recent ceremony in school. Said Madam Wong: "She might not be with us physically, but she exists in all our hearts." Madam Wong faces an almost daily reminder of the accident when she takes her son to and from school, as they have to pass the scene of the incident. He goes to the same school that his sister attended in Bukit Batok. "In the beginning, we would cry whenever we walked past. But now, we say a little prayer for Eleanor."
  4. Downroad full 36 episodes below: http://www.aixiaoju.com/read-12611
  5. No wonder moi rice soaked riaos becum broken instead of sexpand....knnbccb!
  6. “I drove drunk all the time. In the morning I’d crash my Porsche, then in the evening I’d total a Mercedes-Benz. All day long, I went around in a haze.”
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