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Posts posted by RoboCop

  1. 上次说

    So i finally felt the car came to a stop. I was in a semi dreamy state and I distinctly heard a lady's voice calling out, someone that sounded like a mix between LZL and An Xinya. 

    I turned my head and looked at my GrabHitch driver......


    And saw my mum! Omfg. "Si ginna come back so late" she started nagging and nagging. Then suddenly a voice came from the behind seat that sounded like a mix between Patricia Mok and Ru Hua. "Auntie calm down".

    I got a shock of my life as I turned around and saw a girl who looks like a mix between Patricia Mok and Ru hua. My gawd. One auntie and another one is girl that looks like that. Ded.

    The girl started looking deep at me like an Overly Attached Girlfriend when I barely knew her. Then I realised I found her a little familiar. Then I realised it's my next door neighbour who has the girl next door look but she destroyed it with all this makeup. (Yes my grabhitch driver is my mum and she stacked with my next door neighbour. CSB anotch up to u ah)

    So I awkwardly said hi. She said hi. We went to the lift together as my mum said that she needed to grab some last min groceries from 24hrs Xtra. You know steak was on sale and im so LCHF not like @aaur4man always too much carbo bky.

    Anyhoos, so we went into the lift. It was awkward for a few seconds then she said, "hello, actually I ......




  2. 上次说到

    In the middle of the ride, I felt something touching and tickling my groin.....

    As i was really drowsy i did not have strength to jump up and see what's happening. I  opened my eyes slowly and looked at my groin area. It was actually just my keychain with Twice's photo from my bag dangling and touching my groin area. 

    I closed my eyes and went back to sleep. But 5 mins later I felt something tickling my groin again. I didn't think much of it until it became more intense. I opened my eyes and to my horror my another keychain of Ryan Giggs was tickling my groin. I'm not ghey OK. Angry max.

    So i finally felt the car came to a stop. I was in a semi dreamy state and I distinctly heard a lady's voice calling out, someone that sounded like a mix between LZL and An Xinya. 

    I turned my head and looked at my GrabHitch driver......



    Quote and bras one for sarpork so I know someone is reading so give me a reason to continue

  3. This happened in 2018. Had a long night hanging out with a group of uni frens.

    I was planning to leave at around 10pm but we were given free dessert wine by the boss, so I was pestered to stay and drink up with them.

    I miss my ps4 Fifa18 very much as I was about to win Champions League with Cambridge United FC in season 2025. My captain is Pogba, my striker is Mbappe and my defender is Varane, but that's besides the whole point of this story.

    Anyhoos, we went on and on until around 1130am and we decided to call it a night. I could not drive in my state so I had to GrabHitch. Went on board a Golf and I just slumped in my seat and waited to be driven home.

    In the middle of the ride, I felt something touching and tickling my groin......




    Nb sarppork bras one leh. I continue the stowee anotch


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