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Standing Birdy

Mugentech Minecrafter
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Everything posted by Standing Birdy

  1. A * V = W You are charged by kWh or 1000 Wh for electricity. V is fixed. So higher A and W means pay more. The watts they show usually doesn't tally with your calculation because they rate at different current A and voltage V. IIRC this is some trick for approbation.
  2. Wish every birdy n kitty 龙年大吉 龙飞凤舞 龙腾虎跃 龙马精神 龙zhong huat huat
  3. Not a good way to go. Recommend to uplorry in old age while doubleflying 2 chiobus. If you really like cop genre just ask them to cosplay and handcuff you
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