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Everything posted by Sn00pyPeanut

  1. I don’t like. Prefer the Bedok interchange hawker one
  2. different people have different body situation
  3. checked clear NEGATIVE . I went to check up about 1yr after my activity so that I can cover for all types of tests.
  4. never faint la walao just feel giddy ..
  5. my blood pressure not high less than 110. I believe what you said because I also do experience fainting spell post exercise activity
  6. I slept like 1-1.5h only just now
  7. surprisingly I am able to control. but I feel giddy after a nap in the evening wts
  8. I find things to do like watching Netflix , exercise
  9. Today 5th day. I don’t feel so tired . The urge is there but I can control .
  10. stop fapping completely for now. I will observe any positivity and improvement on my side.
  11. tcm doctor said I fap too much since younger days and reduces my kidney strength. Of course not good that’s why see doctor mah. Hair loss is a symptom already
  12. got video to see how they do it? Sounds like torturing my little brother by pulling
  13. what talking you brother ?? my kidney not good I don’t want go nkf in the future so I use tcm to help me. Western side will just ask u go do check up , blood indicator ok means kidney ok but actual fact is not good .
  14. Any recommendations? I scared they provide service to siphone out
  15. Zhua gen as same pcc but not diy?
  16. seems like it. I will avoid and see if overall body get better
  17. yes I pcc since 11 until now .
  18. have to find one and be committed .
  19. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/1su62h/physical_impacts_of_fapping/ salty hard to avoid outside don’t know what they put ..
  20. I will stop fapping from now . Medical advice given. If not I will go NKF in my 30s and 40s
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