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Everything posted by ODACHEK

  1. “I drove drunk all the time. In the morning I’d crash my Porsche, then in the evening I’d total a Mercedes-Benz. All day long, I went around in a haze.”
  2. usually moi put that in moi lao huang gua soup
  3. Gotch nan xing bei xing ma?
  4. Pipes and ducting sexposed, notch a goot sight once fatigue in time, no proper kopi making machine wif pretty or handsome baristers, couch notch leather, if stained diffcult to clean...overall ish bky!


    Beri sharky grass cutter rook, honeyma shld hire her at istana to cut the grass, PAPs pride...
  6. Just tell the parents that their kids study the same school as Annabel Chong, got future.
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